The true downgrade is the narration, pacing and mood

Chiaki April 15, 2024 9:19 pm

In all honesty most people miss the point, I can't hear all the whining about the "cringe" artstyle anymore.
Sure it's somewhat of a downgrade, some panels do look good, others are weird but y'all the thing to actually complain about is the narration, pacing and mood that has changed.
It feels all over the place and not as engaging.
It's easier to complain about art since that's easy to pick apart than actually thinking about the story that has suffered.

I say it again but story > art
If a story is good and engaging, the art barely matters even if it's nice to look at good art.
Take "Tower of God"...the art in the early chapters..oh boy but the story? Amazing! So I read it.

This needs to get better in terms of story.

    ¥401 April 16, 2024 10:37 pm

    yeah idrc about the art (i didnt even notice that it changed), but man, the story in s2 is rly putting me off ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍