unpopular opinion:

gojoswhore April 15, 2024 7:49 pm

aww so cute! he raped and coerced him into living with him and now euihyun is stuck and has no other choice than to be a live-in prostitute for an abusive, manipulative man who is literally never gonna change. dream couple!

    Kittykat April 21, 2024 5:45 pm
    Regarding the 2nd paragraph, Euihyun is already pregnant. Neither of them are aware, it wasn't intentional from either side (put down that knife, it IS Taeju's fault, yes, I KNOW, but it's fact it wasn't intent... miipsy

    WE DO NOT LIVE IN A MURDER CULTURE. oh my god yall always pull the same shit and its so clear u arent educated about rape culture. GOOGLE WHAT RAPE CULTURE IS. So many people dont even fully understand the scope of rape partially because of fictional media portraying rape as not being rape. this is not an issue with murder, so its not freaking comparable. and because we already live in a rape culture, its WRONG to romanticize fictional rape and rapists.

    authors have a responsibility to not perpetuate rape culture. however this is a huge issue particularly with BL. you can literally see tons of BL fans not even being able to properly recognize rape because they grew up reading BL. for example, how coercion is rape, how dominating someone without consent is rape, how keeping going after revoking consent is rape. Im 99% sure the author doesnt see that scene as rape because it wasnt violent, but it is. thats why im so passionate about this, because rape culture will never end if these authors keep publishing shit like this, because it does play a huge role.

    rape, especially when its not violent, is already not taken seriously in society, so when authors romanticize rape, and fans romanticize rape, it perpetuates rape culture. fiction is absolutely not entirely separate from reality, and its foolish to think that it is esp because we can SEE how its affected people in this very comments section.

    more and more BL fans are speaking up, and the more who do, more change can happen, but change cannot happen if ppl keep telling ppl with morals "if u dont like it dont read".

    Kittykat April 21, 2024 5:46 pm
    My sincere respect for your kindness and patience with these suffering souls, that's sexy, marry me (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Asaki Long

    do you get off to ignoring rape culture?? or just being annoying as fuck

    Asaki Long April 21, 2024 6:31 pm
    do you get off to ignoring rape culture?? or just being annoying as fuck Kittykat

    I'm so sorry that you didn't understand my text, I'm really sorry because I don't hate you sweet heart. That's why I keep reading your despair and it made me sad, and no I never read bl in order to masturbate because I don't masturbate, I prefer sex with a boyfriend.

    miipsy April 22, 2024 12:41 am
    WE DO NOT LIVE IN A MURDER CULTURE. oh my god yall always pull the same shit and its so clear u arent educated about rape culture. GOOGLE WHAT RAPE CULTURE IS. So many people dont even fully understand the scop... Kittykat

    WE DO NOT--- ooooh, I get it now... I will try not to assume where you live, but it must be real nice if it makes you say you do not live in a murder culture, I'm jealous!

    My husband ducks to the sound of gunshots(he didnt grow up in the same place as me), I don't even flinch anymore.
    My country's president delayed buying covid's vaccine on purpose so population would go down A BIT... 750,000 died. That we know.
    A soccer player killed his girlfriend/mom of his son and fed her pieces to his Rotwieller so the police wouldnt find out. They did and he was locked up for 8 years, he's out early now for GOOD BEHAVIOR AND OLD FANS GREETED HIM OUTSIDE THE GATES. His precious soccer team HIRED HIM BACK...

    Really funny you saying we don't live in a murder culture when more than 30% of rape cases (the ones reported at least) end up in murder ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    But nah, no murder culture, right?

    Stop assuming. I know what rape culture is. I know what MURDER culture is and how present it is; it certainly is in my country. As well as rape culture. So much so we basically put a price tag on it recently!
    So, essentially, if you have $800,000 in our currency (basically U$153,000) you can rape a woman and not go to prison :D

    Anyway, I disagree on so many levels on how you go about trying to deal with rape culture. Wanna go preach in a harassment news thread on Twitter, that's AWESOME.

    But in BL comment section? Where everyone came for the romance, having known for years how asian gay mature comics are like... I mean, I know manipulation and having your consent revoking ignored are traumatising, but labeling them IN A BL IN A COUPLE ALREADY IN LOVE as rape is trevialising the sufferings of ACTUAL REAL RAPE VICTIMS! It's downright disrespectful.

    And no, it's not the author's job not to perpetuate anything. IT'S MEN'S JOB TO STOP RAPING.

    "But thats the purpose of eliminating rape culture, to--'

    No one had to teach me not to rape, lady.

    "And spread awareness of rape culture, yes, it's their job--"

    THIS ISNT A SEX EDUCATIONAL WEBSITE! People shouldn't learn that from BL, certainly not Asian ones (no offense to Asian ppl!)
    We came for daddiiiiiies. We came gay twinkies and their daddies doing porn.

    Kittykat April 22, 2024 4:08 am
    WE DO NOT--- ooooh, I get it now... I will try not to assume where you live, but it must be real nice if it makes you say you do not live in a murder culture, I'm jealous!My husband ducks to the sound of gunsho... miipsy

    murder culture is not a coined term in sociology for a reason, because people DO NOT DEBATE WHAT IS AND WHAT ISNT MURDER.

    i do not give a shit if this isnt an educational website, my comments are fucking warrented when so many people do not think what happened was rape??? INCLUDING YOU????? just because theyre in love does not mean the uke wasnt fucking raped??? you saying calling it what it is is "trivialising the sufferings of actual rape victims" is actually INSANE!!!! RAPE IS RAPE! even if its in a BL, even if its a couple, and it really shows how embedded into rape culture your mind is that you think that calling rape what it is is somehow harming others.

    you need to fucking understand that the direct act of rape is not the same thing as rape culture and rape culture beliefs. women can absolutely perpetuate rape culture as well, which is what both YOU and the author are doing. You ppl dont understand how damaging it is to show shit like this because it directly perpetuates rape culture. why are you defending that??? do you not want shit to improve??? do you not want rape culture to end?? like what the fuck is your problem???

    there can be fucking BL without romanticizing rape, and that should be the only BL to exist.

    Kittykat April 22, 2024 4:15 am
    WE DO NOT--- ooooh, I get it now... I will try not to assume where you live, but it must be real nice if it makes you say you do not live in a murder culture, I'm jealous!My husband ducks to the sound of gunsho... miipsy

    genuinely how the fuck did you type this out without vomiting??? how am I the bad guy for not wanting authors to romanticize rape??

    you realize reading this shit often makes ppl not able to recognize that its rape, which means they cannot advocate for themselves??? recognizing that it IS rape and talking about it helps people to learn in order TO PROTECT THEMSELVES and recognize what is and what isnt okay. I literally have experience with this.

    if someone doesnt understand that revoking consent and their partner continuing is rape, how are they supposed to stand up for themselves, or report it? how are people supposed to protect themselves when they think its not rape because he had a physiological reaction, or because theyre in love??? THIS IS A COMMON REAL LIFE ISSUE. because we live in a rape culture.

    people learn from the media they read from whether its supposed to be educational or not. thats a big part of how rape culture persists. EDUCATE yourself on what rape culture actually is, because youre directly perpetuating it and its fucking concerning.

    Like at what point are u gonna look in the mirror and realize that youre criticizing someone just trying to raise awareness about rape culture and how media like this perpetuates it? like how fucked up do you have to be to think thats wrong????

    a lot of the people here are either minors who are particularly susceptible to these sorts of messages from BL, or people who were just never taught about what rape culture is (clearly you). The BL industry needs to change and so do the fans.

    Kittykat April 22, 2024 4:21 am
    WE DO NOT--- ooooh, I get it now... I will try not to assume where you live, but it must be real nice if it makes you say you do not live in a murder culture, I'm jealous!My husband ducks to the sound of gunsho... miipsy

    and just in case you still dont get it, i grew up reading BL, and because of shit like this I didnt know that I was allowed to revoke consent. i thought it would make me a bad person because i wouldnt be fulfilling his needs, and that i should just let him keep going even if it hurt BECAUSE thats what happens in BL. because I had internalized that that is what sex is supposed to be because of how common it is for ukes to have to put up with rough sex from the seme even if theyre tired or in pain, because revoking consent means nothing.

    so to say that trying to educate ppl on why this shouldnt be romanticized is wrong is actually fucking VILE! it means you dont understand the real life effects of internalizing rape culture messages from media, in this case BL. reflect.

    xOu_uOx April 22, 2024 6:06 am

    Why don't people just stop reading if they don't like watching it, no hate. But FR though if those people like it leave us being weird just want to enjoy too but nawr, there's people calling us crazy idiots just cuz we watch fictional BL where it happens but it also passes by and when it turns good they be like 'omg this manga is so wholesome and nice!' NAURRRRR but opinion is opinion can't change it so if people don't like it let em be if people do let em be what are those people who hate it gonna do? Make us stop reading it and keep calling us crazy people? So what? We don't support it those things we just wanna read. If people can't accept we can't read it then stop you can't do anything. If you think you don't like it then try and make a better one than this if you can. Well if you can. If you're not that patient on waiting until he turns to green like an alien then stop reading it. (No hate to the comment just saying that if you don't want them stop. XP) ( ̄へ ̄)

    miipsy April 22, 2024 7:41 am
    murder culture is not a coined term in sociology for a reason, because people DO NOT DEBATE WHAT IS AND WHAT ISNT MURDER. i do not give a shit if this isnt an educational website, my comments are fucking warren... Kittykat


    Here! Kid-friendly porn just how you like!
    Go read this then and for God's sake be happy!

    They even stop when condom breaks and tops only gives in into keep going after THREE-PANEL consent! It will HEAL your soul from us degenerates ♡

    miipsy April 22, 2024 9:03 am
    genuinely how the fuck did you type this out without vomiting??? how am I the bad guy for not wanting authors to romanticize rape?? you realize reading this shit often makes ppl not able to recognize that its r... Kittykat

    YO, I am totally NOT invalidating whatever it is you do IRL towards this matter, work, speech, etc. It's amazing, necessary, keep it up!

    Tired of you saying I don't know what rape culture is. Unsolicited dicpics, not believing survivors, "dressed like that? U asking for it", not taking No as answer, boys will be boys, etc.


    Now, what I've BEEN saying, and by GODS will not be saying again, is you trying to do that in ASIAN COMICS is honestly fucking stupid. Do it where it matters and will actually be effective.
    Bottoms start saying "stop" while making out in porn when they haven't even undressed bc they're embarrassed; and if Tops stop, Bottoms will ask why they stopped!
    Been reading these for 20 years. I literally have experience with this.

    Do you even hear yourself?? "there can be fucking BL without romanticizing rape, and that should be the only BL to exist."

    Repeat with me:" there can be fucking BL without romanticizing rape, and that should be the only BL I read"

    There, fixed it for you :D And before you scream, I'm not saying rape should keep on being romanticized or anything, I'm saying take JINX as an example.

    Jaekyung is ALWAYS portrayed with his team while Dan is alone at all times, due to his granny being at the hospital.

    That's intentional. Shows how abusers are always backed up no matter how shitty they are, and victims have no support at all. Jaekyung is an ogre to Dan in front of everybody and most he gets is a 'tsk'.

    Knowing Mingwa (the author), that disgrace in muscles will have to grovel to astronomical levels if he wants redemption, but BJ Alex was a different setting so I can't say I know for sure what's coming. Anyway.

    So you see, sometimes, author's want to write ABOUT romanticized rape, romanticized abuse.

    miipsy April 22, 2024 9:25 am
    and just in case you still dont get it, i grew up reading BL, and because of shit like this I didnt know that I was allowed to revoke consent. i thought it would make me a bad person because i wouldnt be fulfil... Kittykat

    DUMBEST SHIT to blame that on BL

    Its not the writer's job to educate kids on how to have sex!!

    Blame your school for lack of Sex Ed., blame your dad, blame your mom, older sis. I blame mine, they didn't sit down and talk to me either, I was
    I was doctrinated and forced to wait until marriage to do it so I was already 20, with years of fanfiction and BL and girl talk to my name, when I finally managed to have a little getaway with bf and do it.
    It hurt like a MF and I also didn't stop but I dealt with it much differently than you.
    But Im assuming our age gap is considerable.

    Again not saying what you doing is wrong. Just WHERE is what's stupid.

    Kittykat April 24, 2024 8:25 pm
    DUMBEST SHIT to blame that on BLIts not the writer's job to educate kids on how to have sex!!Blame your school for lack of Sex Ed., blame your dad, blame your mom, older sis. I blame mine, they didn't sit down ... miipsy

    im in my fucking 20's with a masters degree. im not a child. but i actually fucking understand that fiction influences peoples beliefs. there is zero fucking reason to romanticize rape especially when we live in a fucking rape culture.

    and btw i DID have sex ed, but that doesnt just negate all of the influence youve had growing up???? its also fucking insane the sheer LACK OF EMPATHY you have for both me and anyone affected by this shit (which is a lot of people). it is absolutely the fucking responsibility of authors to NOT ROMANTICIZE RAPE.

    the more we talk about how its fucking wrong on these forums, the more people can understand that rape can take on different forms. because even full ass adults often cannot properly identify rape because of how common it is to romanticize it esp in BL.

    so can you fucking shut up now???? get a therapist if my comments bother you.

    Kittykat April 24, 2024 8:28 pm
    YO, I am totally NOT invalidating whatever it is you do IRL towards this matter, work, speech, etc. It's amazing, necessary, keep it up!Tired of you saying I don't know what rape culture is. Unsolicited dicpics... miipsy

    youre absolutely dumb as SHIT if you think that its ever okay to romanticize rape. you know FULL WELL in Jinx the rapist is going to get a happily ever after with his victim. the author is not trying to make some statement about how rapists get away with shit, the author just thinks that rape isnt that bad.

    and by the way, if someone says stop when they dont mean it, YOU GET A SAFEWORD.

    ROMANTICIZING RAPE SHOULD NOT EXIST PERIOD. it perpetuates rape culture and there is NO REASON FOR IT. NONE! get a fucking psychiatrist and FUCK OFF!

    Kittykat April 24, 2024 8:30 pm
    Why don't people just stop reading if they don't like watching it, no hate. But FR though if those people like it leave us being weird just want to enjoy too but nawr, there's people calling us crazy idiots jus... xOu_uOx

    if you think its okay for any media that romanticizes rape to exist, go to hell. there is zero excuse. this isnt a matter of preference, its a matter of morals and understanding the sheer damage this shit does to society.

    miipsy April 25, 2024 8:32 pm

    God, it must be EXHAUSTING to read like you do, yikes.

    Empathy? Why would I have empathy if you guys are ACTIVELY CLICKING 'READ' ON FLAGGED WORKS? Stfu

    Bro literally had sex ed and STILL thought the best source to base on was FICTIONAL BL PORN. Makes me wonder whos actually been romanticizing rape, the author who WARNS DEPICTION OF RAPE/SA TRIGGERS on the first page, or you who had the chance to make an educated choice but still chose the BL experience.

    It's not okay to romanticize rape, that's why they warnings are there. So people should stop romanticizing rape just because the character is hot and charming or it's a story they like.

    Now do a favor to yourself and stop your own torture, LEAVE mature BL. Or at least follow the tag "Healthy Love".

    Go read Doukyuusei Seikatsu, stick to Similars and STAY THERE