Naw, not attacking you either XD
You just went off on that ranting and I was surprised & reacted with meme, is all :)
But fr, Taeju is a huge MF and glaring red flag IRL now that that is outta the way... he's been through his first piece of Redemption arc, recognizing shitty attitudes, giving Euihyun space, etc. He's been really careful with Euihyun's omegan mental well-being despite alpha hormones. And about this ch85, STRICTLY because this is omegaverse, that wasn't rape. Euihyun consented and although later asked to stop, Taeju could tell by scent he was lying because he smelled "still in the mood".
About living together, can't rly defend him much besides saying Euihyun would be back within a week, bc of omegan pregnancy anxiety separation he has been feeling. But hey, he's Mafia, we could hardly expect a Fluff when we clicked Read xD

i see where you're coming from and all, and i know that i basically set myself up here cause i know this story is toxic and the top was never going to be a good person. but i think it was adressed very differently in the biginning, where when he did something terrible it was treated as such. now he has reversed back to that exact behaviour and it's romanticised.
and i disagree that it wasn't rape. euihyun's refusal was very apparent and it just hurt to read tbh, and him being an omega with pheromones doesn't change anything for me, they're not animals. again, i get where you're coming from with the omega-verse and maybe i missed something about that in the chapter since i basically flew over these panels since they made me so uncomfortable, but i don't think the top's decision to keep going had anything to do with him being an alpha or being out of control, he's a grown man with a brain. he very deliberately used the sex/rape as a tool to get what he wants (to have euihyun stay with him), because he knew he wouldn't have said yes otherwise.
even his behaviour afterwards, the constant falling to his knees and acting submissive but then making all his apologies about himself ("i'm such a bad person, i understand that you want to kill me" etc.) is textbook abusive man behaviour. don't fall for it!!
nah but do what you want idc, i'm not judging anyone for still enjoying the story. just needed the rant haha

Oh yea how hmm what did euihyun say did he say i take my consent back like what let's say he was uncomfortable in an omegaverse let me say it again in an OMEGAVERSE biological shit works differently there's an reason for pheromones it literally indicates feelings you really think euihyun would have not stunk rotten if he didn't want to do it dude you're taking about something that's fictional fics with fantasy rules and you're saying yep this was rape he didn't want to fuck him lol while the author several times again and again told us hey an alpha is able to tell if an omega doesn't feel good it's reading comprehension yall love taking shit out of your asses but how about reading understanding hah i know you'll not give a fuck about what i say tho so but what's extremely funny to me is it's been over 80 chapters why tf are yall still here crying hm just drop it do you guys need to learn how to use social media too or?

I 100% see what you mean. However, this was one of the first things I started to read and I've been here since the beginning. None of the rape bothered me at first, but I recently went through my own case of sa/rape, so it kind of changes stuff. Even I had to skip through these parts, and it's hard to pick up something new that involves those kinds of things.
It's hard to drop it since I was so attatched if yk what i mean, it's kind of hard to explain . I guess what I'm trying to get at is how someone takes it varies from person to person. If someone was raised in a household where rape was normalized/overlooked, they'll most likely not think anything of it or see the problem. On the contrary, someone who has been through something like this, like me, is way more likely to be sensitive to getting on the topic.
In short, how you react is kind of just different for everybody, though no matter the situation you can't justify rape. Sorry for rambling lmao

you're really too young to be here huh hahh this.is.not.real. fiction is not reality. Learn to differentiate between reality and fiction you can't put real life rules into an omegaverse. Yes if this was a REAL case you would be right but it is not hah you should stop engaging in things you can't take seriously please grow up or learn to control the media you're consuming at this point it's just sad
aww so cute! he raped and coerced him into living with him and now euihyun is stuck and has no other choice than to be a live-in prostitute for an abusive, manipulative man who is literally never gonna change. dream couple!