Yes, listen to your senpais. Don't watch it. It's straight up pdf file material. My curiousity got the better off me because I was young the, but I deeply regretted it. I didn't even finish the 3rd OVA ep as I couldn't stomach what was happening anymore.
Yes, listen to your senpais. Don't watch it. It's straight up pdf file material. My curiousity got the better off me because I was young the, but I deeply regretted it. I didn't even finish the 3rd OVA ep as I ... Gotapyon
It’s really bad but it’s not like it’s so bad that you cant watch it. You may feel disgusted and everything but it only has 3 short episodes so it’s not that long
It’s really bad but it’s not like it’s so bad that you cant watch it. You may feel disgusted and everything but it only has 3 short episodes so it’s not that long maxi
Listen to the elders. What the fuck, That’s like having to throw out a Dell computer at the side of the road type shit. They probably honestly put you on a list for searching that shit nowadays. Not like they didn’t before.
yeah it’s that, it was used to “troll” ppl before, newbies would ask for anime recommendations and ppl would recommend bnp, i wouldn’t recommend watching it, it’s very disturbing, the three ovas, but it’s just known in the community
You know what I remembered with that popcicle scene? Boku no pic--