The comment section is a community for anyone to leave a discussion and to somehow feel li...

Justcallme April 15, 2024 8:15 am

The comment section is a community for anyone to leave a discussion and to somehow feel like they’ve got friends who agrees/disagree with them. So it’s not entirely a section to provide feedbacks to the author (obviously, we know that the author is not gonna come here to read). So please, let us still complain about the missing Ian, I feel reassured when someone is thinking the same as I do. Despite knowing he’s not gonna come back any time soon, I’m still glad that there are other ppl waiting for him like I do. Let us complain plz

    appleshampoo April 15, 2024 2:52 pm

    I understand your perspective but the comments tend to be (minimum) 50% complaints every update. It floods the discussion, which is a bummer for flashback enjoyers. Doesn’t mangago have post/forum feature? Y’all should make a dedicated complaint space. It’d be a win for both sides.

    GreenTea April 15, 2024 4:26 pm

    ^^ exactly. If 9/10 of the comments I see is about Ian or complaining about the flashbacks than theres no discussion being had. Not to mention its been like this for while, way before they even did the coup.
    Barely anyone is talking about the plot, and if they are, they're being drowned by complaints

    If you wanna talk about it again, just comment on somebody's else and not make the same rehashed opinion comment

    Justcallme April 15, 2024 5:08 pm
    ^^ exactly. If 9/10 of the comments I see is about Ian or complaining about the flashbacks than theres no discussion being had. Not to mention its been like this for while, way before they even did the coup. Ba... GreenTea

    You’ve got a point