From what I gathered blonde guy was raped as a child before he ever presented as an omega. His percieved "omega qualities" paired with abandonment made him bitter. Once he presented as an Alpha perhaps his life got better and he made a name for himself. I think he wants black hair MC to suffer what he suffered. So he changes him into an omega and rapes him as a form of payback.

And see I could essentially gather that or at least something similar to that happened. But it still don't make no sense ?? Like why he wanna hurt him? didn't even try and ask bottom why he did what he did? I can totally understand wanting to make some smutty BL but the story is whack and all over the place. For me personally it just totally takes away from the getting down and dirty scenes.

Well from the signs I've read blonde guy is clearly mentally unstable. He latches onto certain things. When those guys said he had been abandoned it just confirmed his own fears. He just accepted that as fact and I'm sure when he hears the truth he will react irrationally instead of remorseful. He is a whacko for sure

In the beginning they said he was an omega.What if he used that drug on himself to become an Alpha? I can't wait to see how this goes.I wished we lived in their world.The scientists said the sperm count is so low that a woman won't be able to become pregnant in the near future. I wouldn't mind living in the omegaverse if it becomes real.Alpha,Omega,Beta,and people who can switch their traits. I think it will be awesome! In the story,the blond haired guy is trying to make it where Alphas and Omegas are seen as equals!
Some things should just stay on, Wattpad no offense to Wattpad. At least omegaverse knows the majority of it is dumb but like half of this doesn't make any sense. If the blonde dude/top/alpha was an Omega when he was a kid and bottom/black hair is an alpha why did top even become an alpha. Unless he was forced to become an alpha there was no reason to change on purpose. Also why did black haired guy/ bottom have to be an Omega in the first place for them to f*** or be anything together. No matter what Omega versus story it is alphas can be together in any of them. We've seen one where it's Omega-Omega and beta -beta. From what it seems like black haired guy hurt the top in the past but probably not enough to turn bottom into an Omega for no reason. I think it's pretty evident that the bottom has always cared for the top. Why doesn't the top just tell him who he is? If he told him who he was he probably wouldn't have even had to turn him into an Omega and assault him. This just has plot hole on plot hole, and everything that's happening makes no sense. If they just wanted to do Omega versus p*** story that's fine. But how can it only be five chapters in and immediately be like "wtf is happening?". This isn't to say that essay isn't this isn't to say that essay isn't this isn't to say that essay isn't this isn't to say that SA ain't anything new in omegaverse but they clearly cared about each other when they were kids. The bottom is clearly looking for the blonde guy/top and if he had just told him he was they probably would have just ended up as a couple. But apparently and the world BL r@pe is the only form of revenge... Also blonde guy/top was clearly an Omega when he was a kid and went through things. He even talks about it when him and main character are talking about the trait changing drug. So why is he referring to the bottom and just omegas in general in such a depriving way? It just doesn't make any sense to me. Everything is just so contradictory and pointless and frustrating.