You should not play doctor on mggo and say someone who obviously can separate fiction from reality to seek help. You seek help.
This case in manga is obviously platonic love. You probably loved more when Rio was beaten by other woman and always in bruises, than happily holding hands with Kohana here.
Not all age gap relationships are pedo. But this one is obv fictional, so, who cares

This is fiction... not taking away from the fact that this is obviously paedophilia, But there is a major difference between fiction and real-life. I do not condone the way or actions of paedophilia. But, there is nothing wrong with this dynamic, Reason being mainly because the teenager consented to the relationship. The case would be different had the teenager refused, and the ship dynamic stayed the same, plus the matter of fact the teenager was the one who pushed for the relationship. Again, I am not trying to stand up for paedophilia, I am just stating the obvious facts from this FICTION webtoon/manga. Maybe I do need help, and if I do i'll get it, and no I am not too young to differentiate right from wrong and as @Ghost of the boy [THE HERALD] states I can also differentiate real life from fiction. Also, it is hypocritical for you to tell me to seek help when you just so happen to be on the SAME webtoon/Manga as me, yet your judging me for liking it.?Plus, because you can tell me it's wrong that only suggest the idea that you read the webtoon/Manga.

very confused where the anger in this thread is coming from, never intended to be hateful or judgemental. your original comment gave the impression you were willingly ignoring the pedophilia, which is extremely concerning to read, so i simply encouraged you to build a support system if you were relating at all to this series. if you understand the issues with this manga but still enjoy it thats fine, no hate to you, i was just concerned for you is all since you seemed young.

And you are now playing a doc with me, hahahaha
OK, believe what you want, you are responsible if you believe in lie. It costs a lot, trust me.
About this manga, not my favorite work too. I don't like it, but I'm reading to see what happens. At least drawing is cute.
I reacted on your post only bcoz you are playing doc here telling us your own BS's.
We did not ask you for advice or to tell us what to do, especially NOBODY asked you to diagnose us based on ONE comment written about FICTIONAL work!!!
Hey, come to your senses!!! You're just ridiculous. Stop playing smartass, educator and counselor here, nobody asked for your "free" services.

I see, I apologise I also misinterpreted your comment, so I wholeheartedly apologise to you. I was under the impression that you, were being a troll and told me to receive help because I'm mental and I have problems (I am not saying I don't...) but, I do say I kinda took offence, thus why my reply was sort of harsh. I thank you for your concern, now that I fully understand you. !!

Me, it's me, hahaha (if you are not sure next time just check up your timeline or following list)
We follow each other and we can see on our timelines, which manga we read or comment too.
You made my day brighter, seeing your comment again! Thanks.
(I think I spent too much time on forums here and I'm shocked with toxicity of ppl)
I saw so many stupid malicious attacks on innocent commenters here, and now I started to jump in their defense.
I'm sad to see it. Ppl find any reason to jump against any word they find "improper".
I'm not sure if I can watch it without interfering, anymore.
I just want to give support with my presence, to all common readers who were attacked like they are criminals for saying something what attackers turned into crimes or insanity, misinterpreting and manipulating the meaning. It's really sad, but I'm beyond the point of watching and doing nothing.
Also, I think the authors should be free to present sensitive subjects as FICTION and not judged for their stories.
Let's be objective here, some gay girl who are still in high school can be kicked out by her family, even beaten up or mistreated. What is the destiny of that poor girl?
Prostitution, living in shelter, being constantly assaulted?
I don't see anything evil if some older woman (a lesbian) wholeheartedly and without ill intentions can help that girl. Even if they fall in love and become a couple, it's still healthier for that girl, than prostitution, living on a street, or even in toxic family.
Look at Rio here. Her family obviously treated her as "a failure", and she was convinced that she needs to be punished for being attracted to same sex.
First woman was toxic for her, other is not.
Is it paedophilia? I don't think so in this case. Rio is in age of consent. And she needs an adult who will help her and become her family. So she can heal.
Anyway, why ppl don't jump against those families who are kicking their KIDS out?
Kicking out a KID is worse. Nobody is saying "it's a KID" when 16-17 years old girl is kicked out, ans she has to prostitute selling herself to survive, etc. It's "normal", isn't it?
But if 16-17 years old girl finds support of some adult woman who wants really to help her and both develop feelings for each other, ppl jump calling it "paedophilia".
We know what is paedophilia! It's tricking and using naive prepubescent kids sexually, when they are not yet aware. And I'm someone who is active on this site fighting against REAL pedos and pervs, so I know very well who deserves to be attacked.
I just think evil ppl are using misinformation telling that cases like this are paedophilia, to hide REAL crimes committed against much younger kids. In this case there's NO CRIME. Nothing was planned by Kohana. She was just sad lonely adult woman who never had any attraction to kids or girls previously. And Rio was "the culprit" who actually seduced her in some way. Rio was not a naive kid here. Kohana might be older than her, but real kid here is Kohana.
So, I don't think if ppl find this work cute are criminals or "wrong in a head", or need "help". We just need to be fair in our judgments and how to observe situation.
If we have a minor here with the adult, it's not "right" and it is not a promotion, in this case it is "the lesser evil". So we should not judge if both characters benefit from their relationship, if it is consensual and non-toxic, and if it helps them to heal.
I hope you understand me, my yuri buddy. Sorry for ranting, but I am keeping a lot inside these days, so I wrote an essay here.
See you around! If you have some thoughts, you can tell me, here or in a message.

I didn't notice that my reply was cut in half
*I noticed it after a few early chapters which I find cute and there were some moments where they treat or see each other as cats which I find endearing
*I liked how the author portrayed Kohana, an adult with no experience because she's busy living life. It slowly made her rethink and found out that she's lonely till she met Rio. Who made her feel a lot of things.
( It just so happens that Rio showed up when she finally realised how lonely she is and comforted her, finally falling in love. )
FR like im sure they know what's proper or not but chooses to be a thumb sore.
I like how you point out how they didn't hate Rio's parents, like they didn't care about her she's just a child she needs parental support for everything specially mental support.
Im sure she herself at that time was at lost as how come she had different interests than the "norms" but of course parents have to take it as her being a failure which can happen in real life as well
I totally agree with kohana being the child one despite being the adult.
It was also shown in earlier chapters that Kohana was too busy to fall in love let alone finding out that she was interested in girls.
We could tell by now that Rio is specially targeting older women as she is seeking a motherly figure for them.
Though twisted as she seeks physical pain from them but also sad as it can portray a lot of things. Which us the readers will have different interpretations.
Some might think that she's into bdsm or some sort, some might think that pain is her only way to feel some emotions, or being in physical pain is what she could think of to be wanted. (I might've gotten lost here )
Anyways I totally agree with things you pointed out.
Especially the parents stuff like how can they not see the evilness of an adult to the young child the worst they could do was to not treat her the same way but to kick a young child out of the house? That's something else
Its fine
I had fun reading your thoughts
Someone told me It's better to let things out than bottle up things .. so umm it's nice to see you letting it all out its a sign of healthy mind (I sound old for some reason )
I'll see you around yuri buddy

Yuri buddy I did not notice your reply until now!
I enjoyed your analyze very much! I think we are very compatible (not sure if it is right word?) by combining our two POVs getting the clearer pic. And it's amazing actually!
I love your comments on my points, thank you for expanding my own views and helping me to see wider perspectives.
See you next time yuri buddy!

Well, you would not ask pointless question if you did read my comment which you said that you won't read it. And what you are doing is assuming in advance my answer which is not yet even written. It shows me that your thoughts are caught in some machine and it stops you to see things as they are. I was like you, but I'm cleansing my mental level from rubbish.
Love it~! Even though the dynamic is basically child x adult.. Ill ignore it since I love how they cute they are~<3