Sorry I don't really remember much myself, I read spoilers through older comments on here. What I do remember is that when they get together ML makes MC go through hell with his bratty and indecisive attitude, breaks up with him (I forget why), ML's family and ex-fiancee blames him for I guess going down the "wrong" path as if MC forced him into a relationship. Basically he's just extremely shitty and practically MC is the one trying to make the relationship work and has to chase after him which is fucking frustrating.

ahh omg that sounds like we are in for a rollercoaster D:
seems like mL will piss us all off..
eapecially mc tries so much to forget ML and even moved to another country, he tries so hard even rho he suffers so much .. pooe him :/ he should be a couple with the redhead instead
thank you so much for you answer
By continuing this manhwa when I already read the novel spoilers lol. This is one of the very rare times where I sincerely hope the manhwa changes a lot of things and doesn't follow the novel down to the last detail. Like please the art style is too good just to see poor guy suffer even when the love becomes "mutual". Han Jei is a piece of shit and I honestly wish Minwoo would be end game. It happened once before in a BL manhwa I read years ago where the second ML (tho it was the MC's crush) was endgame tho with that manhwa it actually pissed me off cuz ML was a total sweetheart. My point being, if it happened once in a story it can happen again gdi