ah man

ShonaNingyo April 14, 2024 12:31 am

This comic was so good but Sakamoto drastically changed the pace of the story. Instead of Jonathan slowly coming to terms that Dracula may not be how they appear as in the book, suddenly Jonathan is a prisoner because Dracula told him straight up "that story I told about Radu Tepes is about my younger brother and I was there 400 years ago. Also you're my prisoner now." It ruins whatever dread the original novel had of Jonathan growing increasingly suspicious and anxious regarding his stay at Dracula's castle. This Dracula doesn't even bother to give Jonathan a full what, 48 hours to carry the (mistaken) impression that they are even a tad normal, it's just straight to diabolical scheming and being evil. I understand the novel is long, but it's like Sakamoto didn't even try to truncate the story in a way that would be satisfying while keeping with the spirit of the original novel--that of creeping dread, mystery, and 'oh, I've made a huge mistake. How do I leave here without breaking etiquette AND tipping off Dracula I'm about to flee?" What a waste.
