Oh I hope jjk keeps the bridal wardrobe (?), but I feel really happy for Dan. He was able ...

CHEWLIE95 April 13, 2024 8:38 am

Oh I hope jjk keeps the bridal wardrobe (?), but I feel really happy for Dan. He was able to overcome his feelings for jjk and really left him. It is really for the best to take care of his grandma first before she goes. And jjk, please realize that you are really a shit ass bitch and the only good thing about you is that big rod of yours and nothing else... So I beg the author that when a new season comes up, at least a little bit of his personality improves.

And I have a little theory of the next chaps. What IF, the jinx gets shit? And the only way for it to work is he needs Dan? Even though, it will make the chasing arc shit. But what if, right? That's why he will chase Dan and of course the only way Dan will agree again is for him to realize his true Goddamn feelings for Dan. That's all, see you guys again for the next season!

    Setsu April 13, 2024 8:50 am

    Bro even big rods aren't good. Dan is like a foot shorter than him

    CHEWLIE95 April 13, 2024 1:32 pm
    Bro even big rods aren't good. Dan is like a foot shorter than him Setsu

    Then nothing's good about him