Seo An did the right thing even if it upsets Woo Won when he finds out. If you love someon...

OldXianStan April 13, 2024 8:14 am

Seo An did the right thing even if it upsets Woo Won when he finds out. If you love someone, you don’t want to see them hurt and cornered and, thankfully, Seo An can comfortably afford the resources to help him out of that situation. Piece of shit leeches like the dad don’t go away just by persevering and continuing to act as a cash cow.

    LoveMiki April 13, 2024 11:16 am

    I don’t think he did the right thing in that he should’ve communicated with woowon before doing anything first even if it was to help him. But it’s fiction and the dads a bastard so bby can do what ever he wants GET EM BOI

    OldXianStan April 13, 2024 6:22 pm
    I don’t think he did the right thing in that he should’ve communicated with woowon before doing anything first even if it was to help him. But it’s fiction and the dads a bastard so bby can do what ever h... LoveMiki

    Unfortunately I think telling Woo Won would have been counterproductive given his previous and even current reluctance to accept help despite the apparent need.

    LoveMiki April 14, 2024 12:44 am
    Unfortunately I think telling Woo Won would have been counterproductive given his previous and even current reluctance to accept help despite the apparent need. OldXianStan

    If seo an’s only goal is to get rid of the dad then I agree it’s counterproductive. If seo an’s goal is to have a good relationship with woo won then I think going through his phone without permission, having him followed and doing all this behind his back is counterproductive ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ . Woo wons reluctant because they haven’t had time to build proper trust in the relationship yet and instead of trying to foster that trust by either waiting until Woo won is ready or trying to broach the subject himself and letting him know that the support is there if he needs it, seo an’s broken what ever trust was already there. From a purely consequential ethics POV seo an is doing the right thing yes, but for a relationship nah uh haha so if woo won is incredibly upset it is valid and if this whole thing blows up in seo an’s face in terms of their relationship it wouldn’t be surprising