Well- i mean in a sense that-

SilentReader April 13, 2024 6:39 am

Idk, while i’m VERY happy that dan finally decided to leave, i really don’t want a chasing/realization arc like some have already mentioned (although i feel like it’ll probably happen( ̄へ ̄))
Both characters have such major personality flaws that i can’t see them being together esp if it happens like right after, imma need them to be separated for SUPER long and see their growth as their own person

    Miss Misty April 13, 2024 6:43 am

    Finally someone said this. I was also thinking this , they feel soo off here . Let's see what will happen

    SilentReader April 13, 2024 7:16 am
    Finally someone said this. I was also thinking this , they feel soo off here . Let's see what will happen Miss Misty

    i’m glad i’m not the only one thinking this cuz lets be fr, it’s been one helluva shit show and a coaster of emotions LOL, indeed we gotta see what will happen