
choji April 13, 2024 6:36 am

So what are our predictions? Everytime I predict something before the chapter starts, I always get it wrong when I didn't with other manhwas and for the next season I, at least, need to get one thing right. What do u guys think will happen some theories?

    Naruto April 13, 2024 6:41 am

    All I want to happened at this point in time is that Dan sees the ocean with his grandma and never sees jaekyun ever again(I know they will meet again smh)

    choji April 13, 2024 6:47 am

    Right!! It's very likely that they're gonna meet again, but I hope it isn't soon enough! Dan needs a well-needed break from all the bullshit and needs to realize he has to prioritize himself first like fuck,,, love oneself type shit.. if i were him, i would fly to another country to start anew and never go back, and get prettier every single day and date wealthy businesspeople