Real i was expecting like those really fucked up gintama ones Blue
Exactly. All these comments being "this is the most disturbing thing ever" like ??? This is what happens when 12yr old virgins gets access to an adult site.
Go read Hogu Hyangso or Legs that don't walk or.... Or.... I could go on and on. This is TAME Furrina
Doesn't matter, this should never be "TAME" don't let urself think this is TAME I too have read a lot that contains more than rape and torture but we should never think of this as TAME
Rape and abduction is crazy. Where we draw the line of 'TAME' shouldn't move even if we find MORE fucked up things
Doesn't matter, this should never be "TAME" don't let urself think this is TAME I too have read a lot that contains more than rape and torture but we should never think of this as TAMERape and abduction is craz... No horni >:3
Based on the comments, I was expectimg some really fuxked up shit. This is less than nothing tame incest.