Dumb action, but it was an understandable action

blueberry April 13, 2024 5:08 am

I both hate but understand why Moon waltzed into the junkyard

One side of me wants to strangle his dumb ass cuz he was strongly and obviously warned off the junkyard…he waltzed in there alone anyways, even during sundown lmao. I mean, how much clearer can the old man get past “other junkyard owners still don’t go near that place, even after years”??

But I also agree with his logic—if a shootout happened every day for years on end, you’d think the junkyard would have been sniffed out and occupied by the police by now. And a hands-on man like him wouldn’t believe rumours on principle anyway, which I find to be part of his charm. Aaaaaaaaaaaghghghgh
