maybe cuz cirrus doesn't like chan-il since skyler used to like him. he sees him as competition. and also he pretty much hates people getting involved in his life except for skyler, who he likes (?) because skyler kinda didn't judge, and just silently supported him. chan-il on the other hand is more vocal n stuff

I feel like the only difference there is, is the person who's being contacted. They probably did the same thing, but cirrus, trust Skylar more believes Skylar truly cares, especially because if he didn't, he wouldn't have reached at all, considering sky had enough reasons to not contact him. Chan-il on the other hand, is not trusted by cirrus, idk why I still have catched it yet, but it's probably him believing the chan-il has a wayy better life than him and wouldn't actually get what cirrus is going through. Tbf, I would react the same way as cirrus if someone who I like and know geniunely cares about people cares bout me (Skylar) and if someone i believe has a better life, completely opposite to my problems, sees me going through it and then reaches out to me (Chan il) I too, won't help but feel a bit belittled. But hey that's just my theory :)

I think it all comes down to the type of relationship you have with someone. Cirrus had been hiding his real personality and family from pretty much everyone. The difference between Chanil and Skylar reaching out to Cirrus in my eyes is that Skylar and Cirrus had built up a relationship where they both saw the ugly sides of each other making Cirrus less likely to view it as pity. The situation with Chanil happened very sudden and Cirrus could possibly be feeling vulnerable and guarded as Chanil’s concern may come off as pity especially since Chanil has the image of being “normal”.
Again this is just how I see it. Nothing wrong with reaching out to ppl you care abt but I think it’s also important to respect their boundaries. Just let them know you are available if something is wrong and they wanna talk abt it.
Side note maybe Cirrus is also guarded cuz Skylar used to have a crush on Chanil lol

Actually I think he is just acting that way with Chan-il because he's the atrocious green monster of JEALOUSY. Skylar used to be in love with him and we never got see a confession from Skylar to Cirius. So... Putting myself in Cirius shoes , thinking all that happened and now having a caring lover who seems to be understanding of my issues, I also would be ghosting Chan-il... But the poor don't deserve it for sure
So the subtle different is that... Cirius is in love with Skylar, simple as that.

And about trying to help a friend... Well you'll never know the right time, but showing care it's enough, if they seems open to it, great. If they don't, don't insist. But a adult advice (personal experience and a lot of friends) never try to meddle between a friend's love life, you are one who's going to get fucked. And I think that is coming to Chan-il......

I think jealousy/fear of abandonment is part of it but also we see flashbacks to Chan-il witnessing the abuse from Skylar's perspective for a reason. As well as Skylar telling Chan-il that he wouldn't get it.
Cirrus also says to Skylar "You gotta pretend you had a perfect childhood and act like you had no flaws" "If someone else saw me in that state I would've died from embarrassment". I think you can take that at face value, its embarrassing being seen like that in Cirrus' opinion. And for someone like Cirrus who has built up walls and a certain image around his friends its gonna take a lot to change that habit. Also Sometimes its easier for two hurt/traumatized ppl to open up to one another. But Even from his interactions with Skylar we can tell that he is still unsure of how to ask for help or even accept it OR even feeling like he deserves it. And trust plays into it, he doesn't trust many ppl which makes sense.
So if you put yourself in the character's shoes the best thing that Chan-il could do is remind Cirrus that he cares about him and that even tho he may not have experienced what Cirrus has, it doesn't change the fact that Cirrus is his friend and that he wants to help him in anyway that he can. That he won't force Cirrus to open up to him but that he'll be there if he ever wants to. And its seems that Chan-il has a good relationship with his mom, asking what his mom would do if she was in his situation without giving Cirrus' name or too many details could be a safe move. but that depends.

I think the difference is between the upbringing of Skylar and chan il , chanil had a particularly happy and loving family so cirrus thinks that he wasn't very sincere with his worry for him whereas Skylar had somewhat similar problems to him that's why he appreciated them more ( he loves him too that can be another reason) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
does anybody else try to insert yourself in one of these situations and see if youd do the same thing as the characters in the story? cuz in this chapter, i could see myself reaching out to my friend like chan-il, but seeing cirrus's reaction made me wonder if its the wrong thing to do. but then i thought about how skylar reached out to cirrus a few chapters ago, and cirrus seemed to appreciate it, and cirrus even said that skylar was the only one who truly cares.
didnt chan-il and skylar do the same thing? Is there a subtle difference between what they did? I dont want to make a mistake in the future if I ever get in a situation like this fr