I felt that letter so bad. Dan, you have such kind soul. Anyone who received that would totally melt for you. I know I would, I'm sucker for letters, see..
I hope you find yourself a place where you belong and start a fresh especially if grandma passes away... Find a refuge for yourself and make sure you don't get rescued this time. Have some confidence and make good decisions. You've already witnessed what h*ll is like, so this time make sure to choose a haven. I know you got this!
Jaekyung... Hun, take your time as well. You don't have to change yourself over an obsession cause it'll only ruin both of you. If you feel utter sh*t right now, embrace that. Absorb that into your system and don't hurry things up or else you still won't realize what precious things you have lost and take granted for. If you had trauma before, all the more reason to think things through.. It's never easy to stay out of your comfort zone lane after all this time. That lane that made you strong and fight like nothing is more important than you breaking all the walls that have been caging you.. Make this separation worth the wait...
And you'll see me in the corner, shivering, waiting patiently because all my reading lists have ended their season. (´∩`。)
I felt that letter so bad. Dan, you have such kind soul. Anyone who received that would totally melt for you. I know I would, I'm sucker for letters, see..
I hope you find yourself a place where you belong and start a fresh especially if grandma passes away... Find a refuge for yourself and make sure you don't get rescued this time. Have some confidence and make good decisions. You've already witnessed what h*ll is like, so this time make sure to choose a haven. I know you got this!
Jaekyung... Hun, take your time as well. You don't have to change yourself over an obsession cause it'll only ruin both of you. If you feel utter sh*t right now, embrace that. Absorb that into your system and don't hurry things up or else you still won't realize what precious things you have lost and take granted for. If you had trauma before, all the more reason to think things through.. It's never easy to stay out of your comfort zone lane after all this time. That lane that made you strong and fight like nothing is more important than you breaking all the walls that have been caging you.. Make this separation worth the wait...
And you'll see me in the corner, shivering, waiting patiently because all my reading lists have ended their season. (´∩`。)