March 8th is the release date for a special episode that will come after the season 1 finale chapter. March 8th is not the next release date. Until the end of season 1, chapters should be released as scheduled on Lezhin. The announcement, labeled chapter 15.5 here has details on the special episode. could read the announcement for yourself if you don't believe her. It's just one page and written in English.
Not trying to be mean, but it's annoying how people won't bother to read the announcement properly and keep spreading the March 8th rumor around like it's a fact.
Just read it.
Is 17 the season 1 finale? If not, 18 should be released next week unless Koogi is unable to for some reason. The only information I've seen about March 8th is that it is the release date for the special episode. I think a lot of people have misread the announcement because it says "season 1 is coming to a close". That doesn't mean season 1 is over yet just that it will be ending soon. Can you provide some links from Koogi or Lezhin that says 17 was the finale or that there won't be an episode next week?
It's been clarified a few times in this thread and kindly again by Dani above for those that are not good at English or can't be bothered to read it properly themselves. I don't mind asking, but why doubt the answer she gave? If she wasn't sure, she wouldn't have answered.
No. Nowhere in the announcement did it state that the comic has started a break. The announcement says "but before we take a break...." this means that the special episode, scheduled to be released on March 8th, will be released prior to the start of the break. So the waiting will start after March 8th.
March 8th is the date for the special. On the English site Lezhin will probably label the finale chapter "Season finale" by the chapter number, at least that is what they've done with other manhwa on the site. I can't read Korean so I'm uncertain if the chapters are labeled the same way on the Korean site. There will probably be an announcement after the finale giving more details on how long the break is expected to be.
Following your logic, chapter 17 would not have been released. The announcement was released last week and chapter 17 was still released this week. That's because the announcement only had to do with the special episode release on March 8th to celebrate season one COMING to an end.
Not to be a stickler, but please don't go spreading misinformation. You're free to believe it if you want, but it's not fair to confuse those that have bad English as well.
Because I have asked before and the answer was wrong and I don't mean that she is lying. I just love this manga soooooooooo much that I wanna know everything and because people like you can answer me then I can ask how much I want right? Or make sure that the answer is right ( ̄∇ ̄") Thats that so please stop annoying yourself over something soo little as that (don't answer please, let it be over with it and sorry if my comment didn't go to your liking)
I read on tumblr that it could be March 8th? Does anyone know what time period its likely for?