Babe i promise you they do. I have seen people like this IRL. Not just abandoned, people who get physically assaulted and try to stay away and the next day the assaulter makes a puppy face and they get taken back in the house. And the victim has been going through this for years. It's extremely infuriating to see and you try to save these people but in the end they always let the assaulter win

me when I judge ppl without understanding their side:
no babes, this happen irl, and a lot of ppl who were abused go through this. I mean, yeah, it's stupid to accept someone who has left you for shitty reasons, but at the same time they're unable to turn away from that person. For some reason, there are ppl who struggle to remove someone toxic from their life.
I hate it when authors pull the “family card”
Get real, nobody just accepts a person who abandons their family for money