
I 100% agree, i couldn’t rlly enjoy the chapters bc lyle was in pain ik most authors perceive ruts as this period of like no consent…but i was hoping w this author it’d be a little different, yk less generic and rapey. ik everyone was raving about ash’s dominance in these chapters but my baby lyle was hurt
at the end of the day, it’s an omegaverse BL, which have never been very good about depicting realistic consent in healthy relationships. being mad at ash or is just the surface level tbh. what yall should really be asking is why the author thinks sex scenes are more attractive when one participant is constantly saying no than when everyone is enthusiastically consenting.
i think a lot of this could’ve been avoided with actual good BDSM etiquette, and being set in omegaverse isn’t an excuse. carlyle could’ve been properly informed about the risks of ash’s rut, and given some kind of suppressant or escape in case he retracted his consent. the fact that he wasn’t is a choice the author made to make the noncon more realistic, which is just so baffling and aggravating to me.