First love? Wanting closure? When she didnt know what happened yet, she cant move on because she needs closure. But also, i really think that theres guilt and regret there. Like when nanami said "i was with him during the hardest time but i wasnt able to be there for him" which is kind of understandable because yano wasnt being honest either but theres a thought at the back of her mind "what if I knew? What if I was able to help him" Theres also the desire to make it up to him, to help him and save him.
Takeuchis great and all but I think hes too close to yano. Nanami would never be able to forget yano if shes with take. So no matter how great he is, its just impossible.

Exactly. I guess it is because of first loves but I genuinely think she could have done better and moved on, I felt like this whole entire anime was really hurtful because I really felt as if he wasn’t reciprocating the same amount of love she was giving to him because she “promised” to make him happy. She really did it for his needs instead of hers.
What is it in Yano that kept Nana holding on after all those years? What is it that missing from Takeuchi for her not to choose him?
I read this manga after seeing a lot of people recommending it, but all I got was confusion.