My point:
1- will was without education since the beginning of this story, without love who already experienced atrocious things because of the crown prince mom who kill his family and mom
2-was abuse by anyone, le crow prince, the fiancee and was only raised to follow and submissive to his masters
3- Rein was the one in his first life to say to him that he could make choices and stop suffering
4- she raised him for vengeful purposes, someone who has the habit to follow a master like a dog and someone who crave for love and affection, someone who retrieved his memory after the war, memory where she said he can make choices for himself and kill the crown prince...
4- something like that , who neither be loving or neither really experienced true affection because of trauma will be of course completely obsessed while receiving a bit of attention, of course he gonna want to protect his current happiness if his instincts tell him "Dietrich" gonna take it
So my point is will can't be totally take at fault because with is background and experiences he wasn't in his right mind from the Start...and more she only used him because she did know how powerful he would be , if it wasn't for this he would probably experience the same things and who would have care about his situation? She has her case but that guy is more a victim here for me

Never said Will was at fault... I said they are BOTH f*ckd up. I am saying they should reduce the criticism on Rein... both in her first and second life, she's f*ckd up too. The only person that is mildly sane is Dietrich and she knows it.
She knows that Dietrich would have helped her heal if he wasn't taken so abruptly so now to realise the person you loved was the one that indirectly caused his "death"??? I guess it is hard for her to swallow and if you notice, she only ever asks about that time that she lost Dietrich.. it shows that she really loved him and is still mourning what could have been even as she wishes him well in his new life and is in a "relationship" with Will..
Do you get me??

no fr, she's just a human being, she lost everything, almost everyone important to her abandoned her sooner or later. She's a well written character with flaws and good sides. She didn't act like in the novel as we see, the child love and miss Her, it was hard for Rein to accept that Her child has his father's look. She's not a psycho, she's traumatized and hurt, a strong willed woman with passion. It's a good character, everything that happened to Rein and how she manages that makes absolute sense. U all just prefer handsome, psycho man.

I know, right? When male character is psycho and fucked up he's "hot and manipulative" but when woman is... Then everyone hates her??? I really like the plot, it's interesting and everything makes sense if reading with open mind. Just need to read it. Like READ, not just looking at characters and acting shocked later

it is, it's a story with a bit more depth that your usual romance/revenge isekay (which I thoroughly enjoy) but this one has more levels and it's about f'd up characters... manipulative and selfish and self centered.. guess what? You're going to run into ppl like this in life (not doing the same things, but behaviour) so it's good to see examples beforehand to help you detect them, especially for younger readers... but not if you get hung up on the hot guy - which tbh he is pretty hot... but ugh red flags abound from way back!
Are you missing the point on purpose??
Are you really saying she overreacted??
Are you ignoring everything you are reading and making your own assumptions??...
1) She is "overreacting" because she found out William tried to kill Dietrich
2) she said she would have forgiven Will if he hadn't drawn his swords on reflex after
seeing Dietrich when he returned from the dead
3) WHERE??? please where did she abuse the child?? neglect?? yes, she did but abuse??
please where??
4) Can we cut her some slack?? she is a highly traumatized woman who is trying her best
to achieve something impossible. She is not a genius but a highly flawed normal
being like you and I.
5) William is OBSESSED with her and all of you have forgotten when he was WANKING to
her childhood picture..
My point is STOP villainising her and giving Will the pass... They are both fucked from their past lives and is affecting their present..