if i remember correct, they're trying to figure out what exactly "hikaru" is. I'm typing this from memory so sorry if it's wrong lol
the first lead was that hikaru died holding something. that lead them to find that other people had died around the vilage with random body parts in random places and the head was usually missing and never found. i believe "hikaru" remembered that hikaru died holding a head and that this was some sort of offering. we later find out that "hikaru" is a very powerful and intimidating entity known as the brainsnatcher. they still don't know where he came from BUT his disappearance caused other spirits along the mountains to infiltrate the village.
the village is shaped like a human body and each of the body parts of the people offered are buried depending on which part of the village's "body" they are in. the head is never found because the great brainsnatcher always takes it.
the reason hikaru was doing the offering was because the only family who still continue the tradition are the indoh family. it's like a rite of passage. since he was of age, they told him to do it. as we know, hikaru then slipped and died but the great brainsnatcher--"hikaru"-- instinctively took over his body. we now know that the offering was done with elderly and sick people who would offer themselves but now its usually people who were murdered. the indoh family makes dummy wood heads since that's the only part of the bodies that's never found so that in the funeral the body looks complete.
this is a very quick explanation skipping other details like how some people can feel the spirits and all that stuff. for now, this should be enough to understand the last few chapters
Can sonmeone give me a rundown about what all they have found out about the brain snatcher, indohs and village. I forgot everything....