I considered that a possibility but it still makes no sense, they've have mentioned previously that there's very little existing knowledge about the nature of psysis
how would she have been able to tell loretta was the same if she never displayed any signs like her mother did, heck the only reason melody knows is because she knows the original plotline
it also doesn't seem to be a hereditary trait since they never mentioned anything about that during the whole psysis women with a baby ordeal
and considering both jeremiah and the mage of the tower were both around loretta and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary only further proves the point
literally the only thing so far that doesn't add up and has been driving me crazy is, why did beatrice (the mom) decided to keep loretta with her if she knew she was dangerous?
she apparently left the house to not "tarnish" the family name and because she didn't want to hurt anyone around her
yet she kept her young daugther with her?, she could have sent loretta back to duke but chose to keep her with her, loretta could have easily died with her in that carriage explosion along with her if you think about it