oh wow

KingSeraph April 11, 2024 8:48 pm

story is actually kinda gross considering how ignorantly written it is, just can’t dig it.

    Drawer full of knives April 12, 2024 4:59 pm

    How many times have you said that over a period piece manga that takes place in Europe? Most of those don’t get it right either, cause it’s a manga, not a historical documentary with a dozen researchers and fact checkers.

    KingSeraph April 12, 2024 10:48 pm
    How many times have you said that over a period piece manga that takes place in Europe? Most of those don’t get it right either, cause it’s a manga, not a historical documentary with a dozen researchers and... Drawer full of knives

    well this is a racially ignorant comment lol but go off, friend.

    Drawer full of knives April 13, 2024 7:07 am
    well this is a racially ignorant comment lol but go off, friend. KingSeraph

    I didn’t realize that pointing out how people care more for racial/agricultural accuracy in this particular fantasy manga was all it took to be ignorant and racist lol, I’ve yet to hear if you actually care when inaccuracies are done in white settings/regions? I’ve never seen anyone (let alone you) comment about how the women in those mangas should have their hair covered to be historically accurate, or that they’re not wearing the proper clothes for the era, or when they refer to undergarments as corsets instead of stays (this only applies to some manga), or even when they put buildings/items in their manga that didn’t exist during that time period. But I digress, enjoy complaining about a manga that you’re reading along with the rest of us ignorant racists, friend. :)

    P.S. I don’t appreciate it when an author does this in an historical manga involving any race or region, but I notice most people only care when the story involves minorities. So if you’re gonna care about historic accuracy, don’t just half ass care about it.

    Lexi April 14, 2024 1:06 pm
    I didn’t realize that pointing out how people care more for racial/agricultural accuracy in this particular fantasy manga was all it took to be ignorant and racist lol, I’ve yet to hear if you actually care... Drawer full of knives

    You're being intentionally obtuse. Firstly, those manga aren't usually filled with harmful stereotypes, not mere historical accuracy. The fact that you're getting so annoyingly defensive instead of understanding that, despite the author's intentions, many of their story decisions are rooted in racism, speaks volumes. Im reading the story, but with the knowledge that this is such terrible representation of the cultures its depicting, and feeds into horrible stereotypes and racist dialogue surrounding them for ages now. No one called you a racist. But i am calling you ignorant. If you've seen no one else complain, you haven't looked well enough.

    ai nay April 14, 2024 10:34 pm
    How many times have you said that over a period piece manga that takes place in Europe? Most of those don’t get it right either, cause it’s a manga, not a historical documentary with a dozen researchers and... Drawer full of knives

    Well they didn't insult the culture in any European historical manhwa I read before , so why in this one???