Alright since I caught up with this I feel like I can finally give my opinion on the story...

Need a buff soft man April 11, 2024 12:51 pm

Alright since I caught up with this I feel like I can finally give my opinion on the story
First of all, I'm disappointed with the character designs, why does the empress look like she's her son's little sister? Why hasn't she aged the slightest bit in 20+ years compared to the emperor? Like let women age for fucks sake there isn't a single non teenage looking female character here.
Why are the male omegas literally no different from girls? They literally look more feminine than the actual female characters, it's Def feeding in to the hetreonormative standards of most yaois where even if it's 2 gay men one of them has to play the role of the man (the top) and the women (the bottom) I'm sick and tired of it.
The art is also isnt bad but not good either,. Often looks stiff and weird at times, especially the out of place details like the weird ass singular vein on rishar's hand when everything else has no details, it looks jarring and ugly.
When you have Mid art you need a good writing to make up for it but this manhwa has neither.
On to the writing, rishar or whatever his name is is a trashy extremely poorly written character, I don't think he even has a personality besides being an extension of the prince, he's also so stupid I don't even know why anyone serious about politics supports him....or maybe that's why they do. He doesn't even think about his people and the dangers he's putting them in all he thinks about and cares about is the prince because of what? They played together for a bit when they were kids he's very 2 dimensional with zero depth whatsoever that there's isn't much I can even critique him on cuz there isn't much to him. The queen I guess is a decent villain, not great but decent however sometimes she does things that are confusing to me, she insists the prince keeps taking the medication even when it could kill him, did she not consider he could die before he gets the throne? Or the fact that his constant passing out and bad health might give others an excuse to not give him the throne?
The emperor also seems fucking stupid, your the emperor if you notice the empress is quietly taking out your people, do the same to hers?? Why has he not fought back against her at all? And why does the prince seems like he knows and understands politics better than the emperor? Also this whole sudden fatherly redemption arc is insincere and badly done as usual with these mahwas.
On to our main character, he's just a a damsel in distress but with a dick (although he doesn't look like he has one) he could be on deaths door but the moment the plot needs it he's up and running and doesn't even look like he passed out for 5 days without even eating before that, like he gets up and can walk completely fine and somehow in the smut scenes, he looks like he has abs?????? Where did they come from????
Don't even get me started on that trashy ass smut scene, "this your last chance to say no" like huh????? Excuse me sir??? If anyone reading this doesn't understand, you need to make sure your partner is consenting before, during and after any sexual interaction and it has to be enthusiastic consent! Please keep that in mind
Back to the prince's character, honestly he's not remarkable or interesting in the slightest as a character, what are his motives besides making the Duke the emperor, does he not want revenge against his mom? Does he not hate his father? WHAT is he besides being an abused twinky little omega?? Also what the hell is a dominant and recessive omega or alpha? They never went into detail about this and what it means?? They only talked a lil about dominant alphas at the end of s1 but it's not enough and shouldn't they have done that in the beginning??
Anyways idk if I will continue reading this and ik some of you will come at me and shit on me for criticizing the manhwa u like but this is the internet and everyone has the right to critize everything and express their opinions, thank u and goodbye

    Aaryaig April 11, 2024 4:18 pm

    if you dont know what dominant and recessive means thats not the authors fault.

    Need a buff soft man April 11, 2024 4:23 pm
    if you dont know what dominant and recessive means thats not the authors fault. Aaryaig

    Reading comprehension plz

    Yuki ❀ April 11, 2024 5:11 pm

    Yknow, I get you but this isn't really that kind of story. This is more like something you'll read senselessly. It's pretty decent tho but yeah, you hit everything right on the nail.

    Aaryaig April 11, 2024 5:13 pm
    Reading comprehension plz Need a buff soft man

    Throwing that right back at you because a recessive and dominant alpha/omega is very self explanatory if you know how to read.

    Need a buff soft man April 11, 2024 6:05 pm
    Throwing that right back at you because a recessive and dominant alpha/omega is very self explanatory if you know how to read. Aaryaig

    I meant as in how does that affect them and what the physical differences are that can be observed in real life. Maybe u can explain for me miss/Mr know it all instead of acting passive aggressive because you can't handle criticism that's not even directed at you

    Johmay April 11, 2024 6:25 pm

    Honestly yes, I agree. A great take! I also hate this heteronormative perspective - gays are very different in real life, there aren't strict tops/bottoms, switching is the way usually. So please, don't make one uke and the other seme, it does not really make sense. The sex scene was super cringe - no real passion, just squirming lil guy and tough guy on top. Also omegaverse is horrible with consent since they act almost as if drunk or on drugs, I really think they cannot give consent since they are not in their right minds

    I guess the dominant and recessive is from gene perspective? How you have a dominant alelle and a recessive one - basically which characteristic has bigger chance of expressing itself. But idk

    Also the art is ugly - most manhwas are tbh, I find it relying on being colored and they have much less detail than mangas.

    KpopHœ April 11, 2024 8:25 pm

    I must say, you ate this up

    Need a buff soft man April 12, 2024 1:27 am
    I must say, you ate this up KpopHœ

    Thank u girlie

    Need a buff soft man April 12, 2024 1:28 am
    Honestly yes, I agree. A great take! I also hate this heteronormative perspective - gays are very different in real life, there aren't strict tops/bottoms, switching is the way usually. So please, don't make on... Johmay

    Fr it's time for a change in BLs one I really like us playtime with hakdo so check that out if you'd like!

    Aaryaig April 12, 2024 1:29 am
    I meant as in how does that affect them and what the physical differences are that can be observed in real life. Maybe u can explain for me miss/Mr know it all instead of acting passive aggressive because you c... Need a buff soft man

    I know what you meant and I was not acting passive aggressive.

    Need a buff soft man April 12, 2024 1:52 am
    I know what you meant and I was not acting passive aggressive. Aaryaig

    Well whatever idc

    Johmay April 12, 2024 9:08 pm
    Fr it's time for a change in BLs one I really like us playtime with hakdo so check that out if you'd like! Need a buff soft man

    omg thank you for the recommendation, I've binge read around 20 chapters

    Need a buff soft man April 12, 2024 9:59 pm
    omg thank you for the recommendation, I've binge read around 20 chapters Johmay

    Funny cuz I JUST finished rereading it for the 28277473th time after recommending it to you! Please tell me if you liked it

    Johmay April 14, 2024 5:25 pm
    Funny cuz I JUST finished rereading it for the 28277473th time after recommending it to you! Please tell me if you liked it Need a buff soft man

    I liked it very much, genuinely so refreshing

    Need a buff soft man April 17, 2024 2:26 am
    I liked it very much, genuinely so refreshing Johmay
