Things I learned from this arc.....

AXCEL April 11, 2024 11:24 am

Sprinkled with my own interpretation

- Elle's backstory
- Lou's partial(?) backstory
- Gabriel (aka Michael) was a traitor and instrumental to the sealing of Elle and Lou
- world leaders built the tower as a way to gain power over all creation, but ultimately failed (largely due to Chronos and Gabriel's greed....?)
- clues to MC's lineage
- apparently, Chronos and Gaia regretted what happened (since Gaia tried to revert everything) and are using/relying on/helping MC to right their wrongs

New questions given to us:
- Why did Gabriel turned traitor (is there something more besides the absence of God)? What was his end goal?
- Chronos, and Gabriel's goals and reasons prior and after their failure. Why did they do that and what are they trying to do now?
- Who was that Chronos MC spoke with?
- HOW exactly does MC come into all these plans?

Also, what happened to those questions MC had but others couldn't answer due to him not reaching 50th flr?

Also..... he looks ugly in that armor. It looks like a body suit. Hope he at least cuts his hair or wear an overcoat over it or something
