I know it's not that deep but

DragonDarling April 10, 2024 2:48 pm

There's an imbalance in terms of effort and passion. I would have broken up with Shun and found someone else who finds me worthy of their time and attention.

    hennaoij April 10, 2024 6:05 pm


    Spamalot April 11, 2024 12:27 am

    Yeah, I was dissatisfied with the resolution. As it's written by a Japanese woman, I wonder if this reflects cultural nuances?

    XfujoshiX April 11, 2024 11:25 am

    Agree. Read a lot of stories with similar issues.

    the worst I've read is the earnest and showy person actually had to apologise to the other because he was being too insistent and pushy with his love and need for affirmation. And the other tsundere guy didn't apologise tho he became sweeter to the other guy.

    I forgot the exact story tho...but it was part of a series of stories and there was an age gap and they were co workers

    Kai April 12, 2024 7:09 am

    Well... to be on the other side of things... when you get that far into a relationship breaking up gets harder. As someone who was in one for seven years... we had a lot of fights... and some really nasty ones where we should have broken up... but you cling to those ppl sometimes no matter what... also in terms of the story I think bc it's three stories in 5+1 chapters, the author is minds rushing.

    Missyoftheshire April 17, 2024 12:35 am

    They’ve been together a long time and Shun is in a very busy part of his life right now. Relationships aren’t always full of passion sometimes real life gets in the way. Shun obviously loves him very much and probably just isn’t the type to be over the top. Wishing things could be the same as when you got together when you were in high school is idealistic and romanticizing a totally different phase of life

    Shocchan April 17, 2024 12:35 am

    Doesn't seem too too bad for me (i might be biased because character designs like shun-chan are my favourite )
    Life can be stressful, especially when transitioning from school to work, taking a relationship for granted can happen when you have many things in mind, and being flawed is understandable. Ryosuke is an absolute treasure though

    savemeyoosung April 23, 2024 11:17 pm

    girl nothey worked it out in the end and you cant expect your lover to throw away their entire life... both of them were feeling insecure and then were able to communicate their feelings with each other theyre very healthy and small moments like these r normal...

    Irene May 13, 2024 4:56 am
    Yeah, I was dissatisfied with the resolution. As it's written by a Japanese woman, I wonder if this reflects cultural nuances? Spamalot

    We don't know if this was written by a man or a woman. JP authors 99% of the time use pseudonyms for a reason, you know. To hide their true identity and gender.