cant the uke carry cash and his passport all the time? so whenever theyre out and seme is ...

MayLa April 10, 2024 3:06 am

cant the uke carry cash and his passport all the time? so whenever theyre out and seme is busy with work stuff uke would be free to skedaddle. remind me why he cant do that? oh the crime of stolen identity? but doesnt he have shit on the seme as well? gosh ask for my help and ill help u escape grrrrr

    Isodxkcn April 10, 2024 3:20 am

    I'm pretty sure yeon hide his passport somewhere ( ̄∇ ̄")

    taks24 April 10, 2024 3:39 am

    Remember WooYeon has more power than him. Let's not forget the CEO and Manager Cha can't just go against him even if he does wrong. How much more if it's "just" In-Seob. It's just a picture of him getting out of scene of the crime not caught in the act. Many may speculate and believe it's him BUT that can still be covered up. I wanna spoil more but I'll just let it be for now.
    Also unlike WY who has nothing to lose, Inseob is so soft that he can't let the real owner of his identity suffer and this is a big deal for him.
    Also he hid his passport very well.

    Rush April 10, 2024 3:55 am

    He also did find out that In-seob is not his real identity and threatened to kill the real one if he doesn’t comply so like…

    MayLa April 10, 2024 3:58 am

    man this fuckin sucks. i wonder if seme will ever go soft on uke. past comments ive read says theres stillna century or two before he will even treat uke decently