Next season should be really different from the first! This is my expectation. The reasons...

lilith42 April 10, 2024 12:43 am

Next season should be really different from the first! This is my expectation. The reasons Dancito was working for Spirit were because of his grandmother and the money he owed.
Spirit gained A TON of money from Dancito. Since he came in horseface's life, his carrer escalated VERY quickly and also the price for his fights. I'm telling you, since he became so fucking popular, he must've gained an enormous amount of money. All of this because Dancito was helping him with his every need all the time. Danonito doesn't owe him shit now. Spirit should've gained even more than what Dancito owed him. Dancito should LEAVE. That's what I'm hoping for, I want him next season to not feel OBLIGATED to JJ.

I love Dancito but he'd be far more interesting if he had some critic sense and saw JJ for what he is, which is a *very* flawed human being. The author keeps pushing this narrative of how JJ is admirable but he isn't. Dan isn't a fighter, he's got no reason to admire him. Who the fuck gives a fuck about him if he's not even a decent human being?

    MayLa April 10, 2024 12:59 am

    me confused reading about dancito and spirit. like, is this person posting for the same series we're reading? then i got to horseface and it finally hit me hahaha

    lilith42 April 10, 2024 1:08 am
    me confused reading about dancito and spirit. like, is this person posting for the same series we're reading? then i got to horseface and it finally hit me hahaha MayLa

    hahah I got carried away with all the nicknames.

    Spirit, JJ, horseface = Jaekyung

    Dancito, Danonito = Kim Dan