
Yeah, I was so angry in the beggining of the story, but it was so well written that I have forgiven Winter. The author made the best job I've ever seen in making a character be punished and he grew so much as a character, he's a whole different person now!
This is proof that people can grow and change, and they can try to make up for mistakes and actually be successful sometimes
I remember HATING this in the beginning because winter was such an asshole. But I never could stop because I liked Violet and I wanted her to get out of that horrible situation.
AND THEN SHE LEFT. It was so fucking good. Seeinf winter suffer and realize how he wronged Violet. So good.
I had stopped somewhere around when they met again and in the beginning I totally didn't want them back together.
But.... but it develops so carefully and winter genuinely regrets his errors. He actually changes??? Not totally ofc but seeing him respect violets wishes???? I love it.
Their relationship is so heartwarming and wholesome.
I went from hating this to being absolutely infatuated. It's one of the best girlie isekai and I just... Violet is such a good character.