So I was reading some comments

Le Apricot April 9, 2024 4:19 am

I came to the realization that some of you think yeonwoo was raped but I don't think that was the case.... dressed as a girl and then stripped, yes, but raped? No.

    CertifiedVillianFucker April 9, 2024 4:32 am

    Yeah, I do agree with you there. At first I was skeptical as for sure, he went through hell and back and I thought it went to the extent of r@ped. But then these chapters kinda lean to the aspect that he wasn’t raped but more so stripped and humiliated. I even saw a comment somewhere here, explaining that it’s a common extreme tactic used by bullies in east Asia to strip them and take photos, which is a mind-fucked. I even saw a kdrama recently and they did a very similar scene too and what was worse, it was in a public classroom… I also think we might get the nitty-gritty details when Yeonwoo talks about it to Haesol, or we might see a time-jump of it.

    MangaManga April 9, 2024 6:35 am
    Yeah, I do agree with you there. At first I was skeptical as for sure, he went through hell and back and I thought it went to the extent of r@ped. But then these chapters kinda lean to the aspect that he wasn�... CertifiedVillianFucker

    I believe he actually was, and it was shown and explained vaguely that he was

    Le Apricot April 9, 2024 6:40 am
    I believe he actually was, and it was shown and explained vaguely that he was MangaManga

    Where tho? Cuz I read that those chapters a couple of times due to lack of update and nothing like that appears. Granted, every rape victim reacts differently but for males to physically walk away after getting raped and have absolutely no one question the way they walk for days is not likely. Especially if his parents "saw" him leave to school the next days.

    MangaManga April 9, 2024 7:16 am
    Where tho? Cuz I read that those chapters a couple of times due to lack of update and nothing like that appears. Granted, every rape victim reacts differently but for males to physically walk away after getting... Le Apricot

    It was quite obvious that he was tho

    Graciegood86 April 9, 2024 7:31 am

    I think he was molested not raped

    Le Apricot April 9, 2024 8:30 am
    I think he was molested not raped Graciegood86

    Definitely, for sure. But people keep saying raped.

    Le Apricot April 9, 2024 8:32 am
    It was quite obvious that he was tho MangaManga

    I'm on the camp of not raped. There is no physical indication of it being that.

    Anonymous April 9, 2024 11:10 am

    Well he was definitely sexually assaulted and regardless that's still bad, I'm not sure if they went as far as penetration but it hardly matters. They violated him and his body.

    Anonymous April 9, 2024 11:12 am
    Where tho? Cuz I read that those chapters a couple of times due to lack of update and nothing like that appears. Granted, every rape victim reacts differently but for males to physically walk away after getting... Le Apricot

    Well no one paid any attention to him and his parents didn't notice the self harm or how unstable he was so I don't think that matters, also who'd talk about the way he walked when he had no friends and the only ppl around him were the ones who assaulted him

    Le Apricot April 9, 2024 11:28 am
    Well no one paid any attention to him and his parents didn't notice the self harm or how unstable he was so I don't think that matters, also who'd talk about the way he walked when he had no friends and the onl... Anonymous

    Self-harm is super easy to hide. Anatomical reaction to rape, not so much. Kid is short and in the smaller side, long sleeves easily hide wrists, don't cut on arm, legs do the same. Anything on the thigh is easily hidden, stomach? Easily hidden.

    Anonymous April 9, 2024 2:42 pm
    Self-harm is super easy to hide. Anatomical reaction to rape, not so much. Kid is short and in the smaller side, long sleeves easily hide wrists, don't cut on arm, legs do the same. Anything on the thigh is eas... Le Apricot

    I'm just saying that regardless people who weren't bullying him didn't notice much of what was going on. Parents included. I just think it's not important whether it was SA or Rape because they're both disgusting

    MangaManga April 9, 2024 3:37 pm
    Well no one paid any attention to him and his parents didn't notice the self harm or how unstable he was so I don't think that matters, also who'd talk about the way he walked when he had no friends and the onl... Anonymous

    Exactly, he definitely was r*aped bro it is so obvious from his reaction and the bathroom slide with the bullies and also because of the conversation the bullies had in the bathroom and on the stair case

    Ashkan April 9, 2024 10:12 pm

    Its obivous he got graped tho... one of the hand of bull1es was on his yk part.. and the way it was implied and all? Definitely!

    Le Apricot April 10, 2024 12:12 am
    Its obivous he got graped tho... one of the hand of bull1es was on his yk part.. and the way it was implied and all? Definitely! Ashkan

    That doesn't count as rape though. Grabbing and touching could aa assault and battery, penetration of any kind is what counts as rape. . . It's implied he got sexualy harassed, not raped

    OxU April 10, 2024 12:15 pm

    I think he wasn’t raped because in most media when severe bullying happens it’s usually some form of stripping and humiliating, not rape. Even though rape is about power and not being gay it’s just hardly ever man on man rape outside of BL or Prison context. Eg in the book geography class the bullies strip and dress a loner guy in women’s underwear and put makeup him before making him walk in front of everyone. Or in criminal minds the two times bullying was mentioned involved stripping, for one guy they stripped him and told him to masturbate while secretly filming him. They then uploaded and spread the video around. Then another guy is stripped and tied to a goal post and they call his crush over to laugh at him. I think there’s something similar to this in animal farm and other media too but I can’t name the specific titles. The only time I see male on male rape is in prison stories and in BL. I’m not saying what is or isn’t SA. But it’s important to distinguish from SA and rape because the affects of those are very different.

    Anonymous April 10, 2024 12:25 pm
    I think he wasn’t raped because in most media when severe bullying happens it’s usually some form of stripping and humiliating, not rape. Even though rape is about power and not being gay it’s just hardly... OxU

    The effects of them are not very different, they're very similar considering what happened to Yeonwoo even if it wasn't penetrative rape. And rape with male perpetrators and victims happens a lot outside of bl(fiction) and prison, although i do see why you categorised them like that. Rape is about power, not necessarily sexual attraction, so it would happen a lot more as a way of bullying someone than you'd think, there's also cases of rape in a relationship, just deranged randos, family members, paedophilia etc.

    You can't compare this to other stories because it's already quite different from the premise, which is why I like it. You also don't know if the author was influenced by these media sources you're talking about. And again, regardless of whether he was penetrated or not, what they did do to him was horrific and was definitely Sexual Assault, they violated him, demeaned him and it's disgusting.

    Anonymous April 10, 2024 12:42 pm

    I think reread Chapter 129 and decide for yourself what you think it is. Whatever it was it caused almost irreparable damage to him, his friendship, his ability to get in new relationships and everything so yh

    BrokenEchoes April 15, 2024 4:31 pm

    It's highly possible he was raped. They were talking about whether two guys could "do it" right before that.

    Le Apricot April 16, 2024 4:00 am
    It's highly possible he was raped. They were talking about whether two guys could "do it" right before that. BrokenEchoes

    Well, it just got proven to not be rape with the latest update

    BrokenEchoes April 16, 2024 6:34 am
    Well, it just got proven to not be rape with the latest update Le Apricot

    How? Just because Junhyuk didn't take it that far, it doesn't mean the others held back.