Yes, I agree,
the author didn't present the past quickly, he presented it dozens of times from different points of view without need.
As you said, the relationship of the two main couple isn't that wonderful...
Yikyuing is nervous and jealous all the time, because the author keeps showing Joobin as a rare person in the world who attracts everyone and also that ex..
I also didn't like it that Joobin thanked Yikyung because he left everything and came to him, what is this? Didn't you apologize to your ex-boyfriend because you were like this with him? Why didn't you change?
I know that you want to be loved, but I think this is exaggerated.
I don’t know. I feel Yikyung’s exaggerated love for Joobin, but I didn't feel the opposite.
Yes, Yikyung puts him first in everything, but I don’t think he does the same thing...
for example when he accepts work with his ex, even though he knows how much this makes Yikyung nervous (I know it's work)
but if it were the other way around I think Yikyung would leave anything no matter how important if it bothered Joobin..
What I'm saying is that the universe for Yikyung revolves around Joobin maybe because it's his first relationship.. I just wish the author didn't make the character like this....
just my opinion

no because i agree! and in my opinion shall i say.. this is just factual stuff, yikyung is ready to give joobin his EVERYTHING but when you take a step back and wonder if joobin would do the same it’s just like you aren’t sure lol? maybe im just overthinking it but it honestly feels like joobin fell in love with the feeling of being in love with somebody who CAN love him right

Yes because Yikyung is ready to do anything for him, no matter what, the reason why Joobin chose him and distinguished him more than his ex lovers.
I think it is a shame that the manhwa ends after 100 chapters or more, to only found this reason.
For you To accept someone because you wanted him sacrifice anything for you and for you to be happy with that is just selfish.
And this make feel sorry for yikyung
this manhwa is getting repetitive with the same backstory every time… also, the main couple is getting toxic, poor yikyung getting paranoid and anxious all the time and joobin being ‘i can’t live without you thank you for dropping everything else for me’. i think they need a break from each other for a while…