I don't like that Naoto apologized. And Minato's apologie was too short for my taste. In ...

Seiren April 8, 2024 7:21 pm

I don't like that Naoto apologized. And Minato's apologie was too short for my taste.

In the other hand...

About the little kid... I'm been baby-sitting my niece full time since she was 3 (she's 6 now) I don't have kids of my own cause i don't want to. But let me tell you one thing: explaining things to kids as young as 3 really works. Cause the kid is going to start to notice that you are treating him/her as an intelligent human being. Just don't "infantilize" the explaination, just use simple words and recognozible concepts, but be serious about it when is a really serious issue. And you have to repeat this process, cause kids are kids and they are curious and they are learning how to manage their feelings. Being a parent is a fulltime job after all. Be patient. Why is he still so bratty., you ask? Do you think just one talk is going to fix his bratty behavior? I got some news for you lol


Naoto, my boy, you didn't have to apologize*sighs*

    Spamalot April 8, 2024 8:07 pm

    Totally agree! I babysat my niece and nephew and your advise is spot on. We never baby talk the kids and explain things to them like adults.

    Btw, even with adults you still need to be brief in explaining things.