Lol April 8, 2024 5:40 pm

Yall rooting for the high school child? Lol

    nompuehuenu April 8, 2024 9:17 pm


    kawaiiotokonoko April 8, 2024 9:39 pm

    Yes, and?

    Eve April 9, 2024 2:06 am
    Yes, and? kawaiiotokonoko

    in a way yes, i am too rooting for Hanato. Now hear me out, out of all the characters that MC has encountered and strike a conversation (that is; characters that are single lol), Hanato is the only one who has had more time with MC and strike more of a long conversation without MC being able to dodge the red flags (as of yet). MC has giving answers to Hanato to make him stop pursuing him due to his age (like not allowed into bars, unable to drive, or drink), while still raising flags with him. (like paying for Hanato's meals which makes MC look like a cool adult in Hanato's eyes).
    Also Hanato wanting to treasure what MC likes, and the whole love confession from him (although his love confession was all of the sudden, he did apologized to the MC for doing so.) Tells MC he won't confess until he turns into an adult but also wishes and tells MC he won't stay still and pursue MC into liking him and getting to know him and visa-versa. (He might even start working at the cat-cafe MC visits.) In my eyes shows he's worthy enough to be shipped. Now unless the author does a time-skip to where Hanato becomes of age so he can start dating MC, i don't mind shipping the idea of Hanato trying to make MC fall for him. I think it'll have tons of comedy trying to see how MC will try to avoid the red flags from Hanato xD he may be a minor but thats more chemistry I've seen so far MC have with anyone else. Remember they aren't dating so I'm shipping into them dating in the future when he comes of age.