Any spoilers?

mysugardaddyissatan April 8, 2024 5:12 pm

I can't read the novel cause it's paid lock. Any spoilers? Did they end up together? Did they become the new kings?

    josukesimp April 16, 2024 9:17 am

    the novel is a ride i’ll say that much.. this might be a long rant so i apologise in advance lol

    so in the novel, shortly after what you saw in the last chapter, aron tells langley about him and quinton after they made it official, and thats where we find out him and ariel had bet on aron and quinton dating- to which langley lost cause he thought they were dating sooner lmao. and way after this, some time when aron and quinton went out together in summer break, the news found out and wrote articles about aron befriending the son of a mass serial killer/rapist. this took a massive toll on quinton and he would avoid aron at all costs, but when they finally stopped avoiding each other it was quinton breaking things off with aron… he was cold asf during this breakup, saying things like it was naive and childish to think any of this could work, that being with aron was the biggest mistake of his life.. and aron couldnt refute any of that so he left it. and basically one day while arons talking with ariel, she tells him quinton got into a really rough fight, but it was because the person was dissing aron.. and we know how much quinton hates getting violent with anyone.. (except aron lol) so aron thought that he should confront quinton. and basicaly it turns out quinton broke up with aron because he wanted aron to leave his “mistake” in the past and forget about it.. aron confronts quinton in front of basically the entire school because quinton was trying to protect aron from the public, and by making this confrontation as public as possible, it ruined the entire point of their breakup. they kissed and everything in front of everyone no shame no nothing GOOD FOR THEM HONESTLY. and after that videos went viral and arons parents found out (his mother knew beforehand because of her intuition tho) and basically aron gave out a speech to the world saying that he’ll never apologise for loving quinton and no matter who he’s with he will make sure to do his best to serve as king!

    theres also a s2 where its a timeskip (which imo is AMAZING) i can explain it if u want.. heehahah.. but anyways sorry for this rant if u cant tell i really love this novel HAHDHSHD

    nenu-23 April 19, 2024 5:01 am
    the novel is a ride i’ll say that much.. this might be a long rant so i apologise in advance lolso in the novel, shortly after what you saw in the last chapter, aron tells langley about him and quinton after ... josukesimp

    OMG please explain S2!!!

    josukesimp April 19, 2024 11:20 pm
    OMG please explain S2!!! nenu-23

    HSJSJDJ OKAYY i’ll try to go into a bit more detail for this explanation!!

    So, in season 2 if I’m not wrong there’s a 5 year timeskip? So they’re both 22-23 years old. And their current circumstances could be LOTS better. personality and dynamic wise they're both exactly the same, always childishly bickering with one another. Also Quinton still calls Aron princess which i find adorable lol. Although little things have changed, especially with Aron. Because he’s a soon-to-be prince, he has loadsss of work. He’s left school completely so he only has princely duties to worry about now, and its extremely demanding on him. Not only that, but obviously him dating Quinton would cause lots of backlash, so there’ve been tons and tons of people trying to dethrone him, especially the family next in line for royalty. Quinton on the other hand has been attending university. There’s literally no point in doing so considering he’ll be prince/king alongside Aron but I think he just wants to be doing something with his life. Quinton has been doing okay, but not so much Aron. We start to realise as the chapters progress that Aron probably struggles with anxiety (which the author later confirmed) and he started putting his work and the medias opinion above Quinton. Say they’re out in public, Aron would be afraid or hesitant to hold Quintons hand because it’d just make a new headline, or if Quinton had planned a date or something, Aron would be too busy with work to attend, or simply just forgot because of the stress. This leads Quinton to start becoming more upset with Aron, but he would never dare to express it with him because he understands how busy Aron is and kind of puts his own feelings after Arons.. wahhh… Also while all this is happening, Quinton got an offer from his university to study abroad in America for 4 years cause idk hes super smart or whatever. And he rejects this immediately because he says he’d rather be with Aron. but Aron feels super guilty about this because he knows how much Quinton wants this opportunity and doesn’t want him to give it up.. To which Quinton replies ‘how would you know what I want’ or something along those lines… ANYWAYS. After a couple more chapters of sadness, we get even more. So Quinton had planned a really nice date for him and Aron at this fancy outdoor restaurant thingy i dont even know honestly and he kept telling Aron to be there by 7. No later. 7 o clock. And Aron was like okay I wont forget I’ll be there!! BUTTT.. On the day, he finds a girl who supports Aron and Quinton and wants to help him overthrow all the stupid bigots who keep trying to let him down, and her father is of high status so she could seriously be a big help to him. And idk theyre talking and they’re really getting somewhere and for Aron I guess finally having outside support was like seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Considering all his anxiety surrounding headlines and media and the general public this was a massive milestone for him. Although their conversation passes 7 o clock. He quickly calls Quinton and says he’ll be a little late but he’ll be there at 8 so they can still watch the fireworks together!! But for the first time in a long time Quinton’s genuinely upset with Aron and shows it. He says that Aron’s always complaining that they never spend time together but now that they finally have it he won’t take it. He hangs up on Aron and here we get a Quinton POV WHIHC ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED ME BTW. Quinton says that for such a long time he’d been showing up to restaurants alone, he’d finish all his food before Aron even called to say he can’t make it because he already knew he wouldn’t be able to. He said he thought he could handle this, just 10 minutes ago he thought he could. But after it was cancelled this time he realised he can’t. “Silly, childish things, for silly, childish people. I am a silly, childish person because I’m not fine, I’m not fine at all” (quote from the book) (ouchies) AND WE FIND OUT QUINTON WAS SO UPSET TODAY because he was going to propose. Thtas fucking right. He researched and planned everything like some lovestruck idiot and made sure everything was planned to a T. all for Aron to run late. God fucking damn it. Okay im gonna continue everything in another message cause this is super long already LMAO

    nenu-23 April 20, 2024 11:28 pm
    HSJSJDJ OKAYY i’ll try to go into a bit more detail for this explanation!!So, in season 2 if I’m not wrong there’s a 5 year timeskip? So they’re both 22-23 years old. And their current circumstances cou... josukesimp

    OMG NO. QUINTONNNNNN!!! He's such a sweetie, im so upset!! Please tell me there's a happy ending :(

    nenu-23 April 20, 2024 11:28 pm
    HSJSJDJ OKAYY i’ll try to go into a bit more detail for this explanation!!So, in season 2 if I’m not wrong there’s a 5 year timeskip? So they’re both 22-23 years old. And their current circumstances cou... josukesimp

    Also thank you so much for the explanation and summary, I really appreciate you <3

    Spirit of Vengeance May 14, 2024 2:29 am
    the novel is a ride i’ll say that much.. this might be a long rant so i apologise in advance lolso in the novel, shortly after what you saw in the last chapter, aron tells langley about him and quinton after ... josukesimp

    Omg please tell me the rest. What happened after the failed proposal?!!!!!!!

    josukesimp May 14, 2024 3:14 pm
    Omg please tell me the rest. What happened after the failed proposal?!!!!!!! Spirit of Vengeance

    So after this, Quinton gets into his car and immediately drives back home. During this scene he’s literally crying like he can’t take it anymore and it hurts so much to see Quinton so heartbroken because this had never happened before and it just urhgurhgurhg. Now back to Aron’s POV. after Quinton hangs up on him, he immediately realised his mistake and thought he was a complete idiot for thinking he could run late after Quinton reminded him so much to arrive at 7. By the time he’s at the place Quinton’s already left. After seeing how nicely everything was planned out he starts to catch on that this could have been a proposal. He literally cannot imagine this because he can’t even think about how guilty this would make him feel, although his worst fears are reality… ohahaagbhaha. Once he comes home, he immediately goes into his room with Quinton and sees him just. Sitting at his desk, the papers below him tear stained, his hair a mess and his nose sniffling. Basically Quinton explains that he can’t do this anymore, that he’d tried being strong for Aron for so long but it’s too much now. He says that last time they broke up, he did it for Aron, but this time it’s for him. He already packed all his things so all he had to do now was walk out the door and leave Aron. After this happens, Aron has a legitimate panic attack. Like he can’t breathe and the world starts becoming hazy and he’s just crying and crying. (can i just add that aron deserves absolutely 0 hate for this. Despite quinton suffering, aron had his own problems going on as well. Aron knew how much he was hurting quinton and it was frustrating that quinton would never get mad at him for it, he knew he was hurting quinton and couldn’t do anything about it because of his anxiety and circumstances. anyways continuing) After this, Autumn comes to visit Aron the next day. She seems pretty upset with him, because he just hurt Quinton so terribly and she’s his best friend. She asks Aron why he doesn’t just drop the title and this is where he kind of just pours his heart out to her. He explains how much he’s agonised over his position, how much easier it’d be for him and Quinton to just be happy if he weren’t a royal, but that’d mean the bigots would win once again. Every single person that looks up to Aron would be crushed, he could no longer be a positive representation of homosexuality and would instead be remembered as some gay prince who ran away from the throne. Autumn immediately feels terrible for being mad at him because he really is hurting just as much as Quinton. She tells him that he needs to think about what he wants, not what he needs.

    and basically things kind of continue like this for a little while, arons become a bit isolated and he continues doing his princely duties because if he takes a break he feels like he’ll just shatter completely. until his birthday that is!! but guess whos alone and sad on that day. thats right. this guy. SO like any normal mentally stable person he drinks and drinks and drinks and then sends quinton a bunch of drunken voice messages at like 2am saying how much he misses him and that he’ll be better…! . SO after this, arons friends pull up, autumn, langley and to arons surprise, quinton as well! basically the others clean up a little for aron cause hes been depressed and hes lowkey a mess then give him and quinton some time to talk things out. basically aron asks if they can still be friends, because the thought of being nothing is just too painful. and quinton agrees! he even calls aron princess which is nice because theyre still casual. basically they all spend arons birthday in the palace, although it does get a bit awkward at times between aron and quinton its a good day to say the least. i think in this scene langley decides to stay over at arons while the others go home, so langley decides to do some stupid stunt to ‘win back quintons heart’ through text?? to which aron agrees because theyre both dumb and hey IT WAS GOING WELL. until they both said goodnight to each other and aron said i love you. habit ohnoooo but quinton was like its fine or whatever. but now arons really agonising over all of this and langley sees that so he tells aron that he needs to start being more selfish. to stop thinking so much about the opinions of others and stuff.

    josukesimp May 14, 2024 3:15 pm
    YALL UM SO SORYR I TOTALLY GORGOT ABOUT THIS ANYWAYS HERE U GOOO <3333So after this, Quinton gets into his car and immediately drives back home. During this scene he’s literally crying like he can’t take... josukesimp

    okay forgive me im sure there are things that happened within this time period but its really been a hot second since ive read it so i dont remember every detail BUT from what i remember, headlines of quinton start popping up, people speculating he and aron may have broken up because they arent together (basically) at all now. and on top of that quinton seems to have found a good friend in his university to which people think he may be dating now. and because aron is coping terribly HE READS ALL THESE ARTICLES!!! he feels really terrible because quinton seems genuinely happy in these photos. this normal life away from the throne seems to suit him better than what aron can provide for him. thats what he thinks anyways. and basically he becomes really anxious about this whole thing so he texts quinton that hes gonna pull up to his place at a certain time or whatever. and when he arrives, quintons university friend is also there. okay i lowkey forgot if aron was just paranoid and convinced himself that this uni guy was super into quinton or if he actually was?? although i do believe he actually liked him. BUT ANYWAYS aron asks for some privacy for he and quinton so they can talk. and immediately arons like why are you hanging out with this guy. he obviously likes you. and they kind of just start arguing back and fourth about this and they kind of calm down and quinton hits us with the “to think today would be the day you showed up on time” which HURTSSSS when you consider aron would miss like 90% of their dates before they broke up due to his circumstances. anyways. quinton is really upset because what aron is saying is that he feels like he cant give him the life that HE wants. and thats all he’s been saying recently no matter how much quinton reinforces that the life he really does want is one with aron. so after aron says this quinton is like i thought you would have at least changed a bit by now but i guess you havent, we shouldnt even be friends if you still have this mentality. and then aron literally gets booted out of the house and his number blocked.. ouchiesss. again, my memory is failing me but i think theres a small timeskip from this scene? by small i mean like a week or two idk HELP, and we get another insight into arons life to see how hes going and well! its not looking too bright for our prince! hes sitting in front of the tv eating pizza and watching a talkshow discuss the rumours regarding quinton and doms relationship. this makes him really agitated and right when hes about to lose his cool his mother turns off the tv and forces him to clean his room and take a very well needed shower . shes a queen (quite literally) i love her sm. ANYWAYS after this scene, okay this is where i forget a looottt of details BUT theres an upcoming royal event of some sort? and its not like a cute ballroom dance or smth its like some sort of political voting event. and i think aron wants to pass a certain law?? but he needs to like verse some other guy and get more votes so he needs to perform a speech in front of an entire crowd for it. usually this would be easy for aron but as he is now, his anxiety is pretty through the roof. now hes bakcstage with his father and probably losing a bit of his sanity. and before he knows it he feels another panic attack arising, right in front of his father but thankfully backstage. and until this point we really hadnt seen much of arons father properly being there for him and i think this scene was just so nice. he tells aron to follow his breathing and slowly but steadily he begins calming aron down from that state. aron ends up sobbing to his father, talking about how much pressure there is to be like him, and that he doesnt think he can do it anymore. but to this arons father just apologises for not noticing sooner. he explains that he also thought he could never be as great as his father but look where he is now!! and that aron should never think he needs to be more like him because arons already a hundred times better i love him. he just tells aron that he’s still the same kid from highschool and he needs to stop trying to be something he isnt. and this is where he finally starts taking initiative to change. after everyones advice he finally decides to do something extremely irrational and, well, aron like.

    josukesimp May 14, 2024 3:17 pm
    okay forgive me im sure there are things that happened within this time period but its really been a hot second since ive read it so i dont remember every detail BUT from what i remember, headlines of quinton ... josukesimp

    he tells his dad that he will in fact, NOT be doing the speech because he has dinner plans . and his dad is like hell yeah go get him son SO aron texts autumn to tell quinton that he’ll be at a certain restaurant (autumn is the messenger cause arons still blocked lol) and when she tells quinton we get a small pov chapter! its safe to say hes doing just as bad as aron despite being cold to him in the minimal interactions we see.. as much of a clean freak he is his entire house is a mess and such. when autumn tells him this hes like what the hell is aron stupid of course im not coming lol. 3 hours later aron is on the verge of losing his mind cause hes been sitting alone in a restaurant for this long but HE NEEDS TO WAIT FOR HIS HONEYBUNNY OKAY. and quinton is kind of thinking. surely he isnt still there. SURELY. (he goes anyways) (about time young man) AND YAYYY THEY REUNITE YAYYY!! its a little awkward at start. but aron tells quinton that he’ll start attending therapy! he tells quinton about his anxiety and the panic attacks, and about how hes not been doing too well. he just says that this made him someone he isnt, but he wants to try changing and fixing himself bit by bit. quintons kinda just standing there until he once again mentions that theres a 5 year international course in NYC for his uni that he’ll be turning down for aron if they get back together. this is kinda just testing aron, becase he doesn’t want aron to feel bad or encourage him to go, because he knows what he wants and thats to be with aron! BUT UNFORTUNATELY thats exactly what aron does. and right when quinton was about to walk away in disappointment aron was like WAIT!!! ILL COME WITH YOU!!! SO YEAH. hes spontaneously and irrationally decided to go to america for several years with quinton, not caring about any potential headlines or rumours that may follow. quintons very happy with this outcome. they kiss in the middle of this fancy restaurant. they go back home together. whatever. the news gets out to their friends that theyre back together AND THINGS REALLY JUST START FEELING NORMAL AGAIN. good for them.

    okay this scene is a little later BUT I JUST HAVE TO ADD IT THE BOOK JSNT COMPLETE WITHOUT IT. so this is a little timeskip to when theyre at the airport getting ready to go to america. theyre both kind of just chatting with each other and aron says something really romantic and probably cheesy lol and quintons like that almost sounded like a proposal. arons like do u want it to be. and i kid you not this man runs to a childrens toy shop. buys 2 fucking MOOD RINGS. runs back to the sandwich shop they were at and gets down on one knee. wait ill send you a bit of his monologue because i think it was very nice.

    "What I should be saying, or really what I-I want to say is that I do want to spend the rest of my life with you, Quinton, wherever that may be. If it's overseas or here, whether we ascend to the throne or buy
    an antique book shop in the middle of nowhere and live in some witchy cottage with too many cats, it doesn't matter.Home is wherever we are."
    "I know I'm a bit, no, a lot of a mess. I know I have a lot of things to work on, we do have a lot of things to work on, but my feelings haven't changed since our talk at the park. I do want to marry you so--" I swallow the lump in my throat, or at least try to. It only gets stuck more so that my voice is only a whisper when I ask, "Will you marry me, Quinton?"

    AND OF COURSE QUINTON SAYS YES they kiss theyre happy theyre fiances rejoice rejoice sound the bells SOUND THE BELLS theyre haopy imso glad it took them a second but we are so back. also in the little NY extra they wear the rings quinton originally got for them which i think it a nice detail. THE END THANKYOU FOR LISTENING. also feel free to leave your own personal input on this :3

    josukesimp May 14, 2024 3:18 pm
    Also thank you so much for the explanation and summary, I really appreciate you <3 nenu-23


    Spirit of Vengeance May 14, 2024 9:32 pm

    You have no idea how much I appreciate what you did. That explanation was awesome and so kind of you. Tha k you sp much(≧∀≦)

    nenu-23 May 15, 2024 3:59 am

    Thank you so much bestie, this was the best!!!!!!!! ugh I wish they finished making the comic :(

    SAMII June 15, 2024 9:08 am
    he tells his dad that he will in fact, NOT be doing the speech because he has dinner plans . and his dad is like hell yeah go get him son SO aron texts autumn to tell quinton that he’ll be at a certain resta... josukesimp

    You did such an amazing job at summarizing/ spoiling the novel!!!
    You’re my new idol the way I couldn’t even explain what I did yesterday in the amount of detail you explained this!
    The story was amazing! I love this mangaka/ writer I wish the story is later drawn out! This was too good for it to only be 50 short chapters!! It felt rushed but I can tell it wasn’t rushed bc they didn’t know how to end it!

    shijuwaina July 10, 2024 5:21 pm
    he tells his dad that he will in fact, NOT be doing the speech because he has dinner plans . and his dad is like hell yeah go get him son SO aron texts autumn to tell quinton that he’ll be at a certain resta... josukesimp

    dear, whoever you are behind that username, you are an angel. you explained and summarized it so well i felt like i was reading the novel itself. thank you for this, really! the time and effort it must've took you to dig through your memories and write this up

    i can't believe the story went that way. in this manhwa they were just high schoolers, immature and bickering over small problems here and there and it's so beautiful to see them grow up. you cannot blame anyone here as they were having their own struggles. i wish they communicated early though to avoid the worse scenarios but it already happened and communication is easy to think but hard to put into actions. who knew that the immature princess, aron, would turn into an adult who tried his very hardest to manage prince stuff affairs. i feel sorry for my baby because he experienced such hardships therapy was needed. but i'm glad he considered getting one to somehow help himself. quinton, you must've had it hard too. to constantly wait for someone for hours in a restaurant with cold foods, a failed proposal, and to see someone he loves turn into someone so wrecked. both of them did really well, for each other and for themselves.

    i think i'm gon cry even though i didn't read the novel myself i can feel like it was written beautifully based on your summarization. thank you once again!

    josukesimp July 10, 2024 9:41 pm
    dear, whoever you are behind that username, you are an angel. you explained and summarized it so well i felt like i was reading the novel itself. thank you for this, really! the time and effort it must've took ... shijuwaina

    this reply means sm to me thank youu

    shn_beerens July 14, 2024 4:10 am
    he tells his dad that he will in fact, NOT be doing the speech because he has dinner plans . and his dad is like hell yeah go get him son SO aron texts autumn to tell quinton that he’ll be at a certain resta... josukesimp

    Sweetie You're an angle!! You carefully talked about them to us and in an interesting way.
    I'm so glad we have you for this. Thanks for your time

    Lilypads July 25, 2024 2:44 pm

    A literal saint(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Sassyindeed July 31, 2024 9:04 am
    the novel is a ride i’ll say that much.. this might be a long rant so i apologise in advance lolso in the novel, shortly after what you saw in the last chapter, aron tells langley about him and quinton after ... josukesimp


    kun August 15, 2024 6:54 pm
    he tells his dad that he will in fact, NOT be doing the speech because he has dinner plans . and his dad is like hell yeah go get him son SO aron texts autumn to tell quinton that he’ll be at a certain resta... josukesimp

    Thank you so much for this

    jamme82736 September 3, 2024 11:33 pm

    Thank you, I appreciate you for explaining to us about the ending. The drama part when they broke up and fight, make me feel a lot of angst, but the ending is good. Thanks