Nope, he wasn't whiny, at all. Don't understand why you say that when you just declared you don't like an actual whiny ass, the seme in the second story...?
Nope, he wasn't whiny, at all. Don't understand why you say that when you just declared you don't like an actual whiny ass, the seme in the second story...?
We need to form a rescue party to save that precious little muffin of an omega in chapter 3 and an educational beat down to that jerk, asswipe he has stupidly fallen for. Sweety OmegaMuffin I get he looks like Kuroo and since he's already taken by one adorable pudding head, you feel the need to find someone who looks like him, but this is not the guy you are looking for
I love the first 2 chapters, bit pain in the ass whiny omega at first but I got where he came from. So happy he got a scare and did the right thing and got the guy in the end.