i dont think i realized that. O.O but i do know that bee's mom was the reason why freeman got adopted. she found him and made him that gang leader's responsibility. and bee is the 1 who tries his best to look perfect in the public eye cause he doesnt wanna make his family look bad, completely unaware that his mom isnt as perfect as he thinks she is. by the way, i doubt she wouldnt approve of their relationship. she cares about them both. i imagine if she found out that theyde get along so well, she would feel sorry about not introducing them to each other a long time ago

Well maybe eventually but i think at first she would not approve bc she thinks 1. She tries to keep Benimaru away from all of this gangster life thats the reason she left as well. 2. She thinks Freeman is mentally too far gone that he is incapable of any feelings and even thinks Freeman is so unstable one day he will kill his dad thus she wanted hospitalize Freeman.( Freeman does not know that she thinks about him in this way) Lol prob at some point thats gonna be the main drama of the manga but whatever happens those two will stick together

Yes his dad also gets mad at saying Grace : He would not ,he is my kid he knows better . I assume we don't know at this point of the story but this might be one of the reasons they stopped working together . So deff we are approaching the arc where their relationship gets revealed to their parents and the reason why the old man talks about Grace as she betrayed him. Hopefully if we can have consistent update
Benimaru (Blonde lead) & Freeman (Red lead) are in love with each other. Unknowingly to the both of them their parents have history together. Benimaru's mom met Freeman when he was a child living with his adopted father, the bleach blonde yakuza. Beni's mom was somehow connected to that yakuza life and when she had Beni she wanted to have clean, yakuza-free family life so she did just that. Freeman's father wants him to take over the gang so that's the life his parent immersed him in.
Benimaru & Freeman never met as children, but they have as adults, and now Freeman is a wanted criminal for murder. Benimaru is a model/actor and his team is very cautious about keeping his image clean and free of scandals. His mother is very protective of him and most likely will not take it well that these two "kids" have linked up IRL. She ditched that life but that life came to claim her back. Excited for how they all handle this revelation.