true but i think he’s just super lonely so he’s trying to latch on to the one thing that actually being good to him. and he did also tell taesoo that he still liked him so the communication is there at least ( ̄∇ ̄")
tbh i think taesoo actually assumes that yeomin is more naïve than he really is we might be in for kinda a turbulent time

I know what you mean. It's just hard because yeomin's obviously got trauma but he's also proven himself to be very strong and cunning!!! so I do wish he’d stand up for himself now (although I do think we'll get to see him do that later on).
Speaking of turbulent times, I think taesoo's position of power (when it's revealed he's not just a secretary) is going eventually end up being something that saves yeomin, so taesoo's gotta stick around ig

you are actually so right and like the developments will prob change taesoo’s mind anyways so, we just have a little angst and heartache along the way
he’s prob still scared to stand up for himself because taesoo seems like the type to cut him off so he does but i’m ready for yeomin to fully know his worth
see this is where things get annoying because taesoo did take advantage of yeomin being naive, but he fessed up and was honest with his intentions as soon as yeomin started bringing feelings into it. Any pain yeomin feels after this is entirely his fault. taesoo gave him an out, asked him point blank if he was okay with casual meet ups and yeomin lied saying he was fine with it. As a typical bottom mc, I wasn't really expecting him to be smart and grow a spine but come on dude