nothing is wrong w fuck buddies in theory.

cigarette April 7, 2024 12:14 am

i dont think ml lead mc on. he might have been rude about it and its sad to see a sweet person get rejected but i dont think he necessarily did anything wrong. its obvs mc only has 1 friend and has literally no experience with dating. to a person like that, a little flirting and basic human decency can make ur heart beat a mile a minute. ml said what it was and gave him the option to end things. personally i think yeomin shoulda ended things and it coupdve been water under the bridge w time but we know how these stories go.

on a seperate note, he coulda replied to at leasr one of yeomin's messages but maybe thats him sticking to his boundry i guess :(

    Saga April 7, 2024 12:28 am

    I LOVE the way you put this and I agree with you 100 percent atp I’m just waiting to see what happens with no expectations #-.-)

    YoaiLover April 7, 2024 2:05 am

    Im sorry he was clearly leading him he literally knew yeomin had feelings for him and use that to his advantage to get what he wanted sugarcoating that when it’s blatantly there is stupid man even ignoring after he said those hurtful words which many people who is leading someone on does