Read ahead

Animeluver1310 April 7, 2024 12:02 am

Aghhhhhhhh. I don’t know if I can handle the ache in my heart.

I won’t spoil. That’s all I say

    tomiespotrait April 7, 2024 2:51 am

    noooo i need a spoiler will it end happy

    Animeluver1310 April 7, 2024 1:52 pm
    noooo i need a spoiler will it end happy tomiespotrait

    At this moment with the raws we have. Spoilers below

    He and the brother he likes go on vacation. When they get back, the other one is essentially taken in by the government for something. I think the other brother tried to frame him for something he didn’t do so he could have mc to himself. So the government comes in, takes their stuff from their shared home. Then mc essentially is forced to go with the other brother. The other brother forces himself on the mc. The awful brother cries out while on top of him. Our mc essentially never sees the other guy he loves and some time passes. He’s slowly changing. Working for that fiancée or whatever.
    He goes back to the brother he loves house at one point. Only to get cold feet and go away right before he opens the door. We see the nice brother has also changed. Cutting his hair. And then. In one of the newest chapters. The women fiancée forces herself on mc. That’s where we are in the raws so far.

    tomiespotrait April 7, 2024 9:34 pm
    At this moment with the raws we have. Spoilers below...........He and the brother he likes go on vacation. When they get back, the other one is essentially taken in by the government for something. I think the ... Animeluver1310

    oh my god i would never expect it to go this way im gonna kill them all

    Animeluver1310 April 7, 2024 9:56 pm
    oh my god i would never expect it to go this way im gonna kill them all tomiespotrait

    Same. It has me on edge.

    tomiespotrait April 8, 2024 8:18 pm
    Same. It has me on edge. Animeluver1310

    i think i will wait until it ends to read the rest because i will be too anxious otherwise!

    Animeluver1310 April 8, 2024 11:04 pm
    i think i will wait until it ends to read the rest because i will be too anxious otherwise! tomiespotrait

    After looking at the raws that we have so far. I’m waiting for a good 10 or so chapters for the English because of how stressed the suspense of the raws have made me