Im just gonna make myself believe that it's a totally different story and no way related t...

Anisa7 April 6, 2024 10:45 pm

Im just gonna make myself believe that it's a totally different story and no way related to that shitty lover boy

    uyu April 9, 2024 6:35 am

    Is it really that bad? I haven't read the lover boy.

    Anisa7 April 9, 2024 7:24 am
    Is it really that bad? I haven't read the lover boy. uyu

    I hate love triangles and cunty bottoms, so it was unpleasant for me

    uyu April 9, 2024 10:25 am
    I hate love triangles and cunty bottoms, so it was unpleasant for me Anisa7

    OMG same!! Thanks for the head up (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Anisa7 April 9, 2024 12:18 pm
    OMG same!! Thanks for the head up (▰˘◡˘▰) uyu

    michi April 9, 2024 10:21 pm
    OMG same!! Thanks for the head up (▰˘◡˘▰) uyu

    Calling it a love triangle is a bit of a stretch. It’s really not. Also the seme is really sweet and precious so you should definitely read it. It’s angsty tho so it’s not for everyone but I do think the author did a good job on that work

    uyu April 9, 2024 11:00 pm
    Calling it a love triangle is a bit of a stretch. It’s really not. Also the seme is really sweet and precious so you should definitely read it. It’s angsty tho so it’s not for everyone but I do think the ... michi

    Ohh thanks, I'll take note if I'm in the mood for angsty (●'◡'●)ノ

    Akki April 11, 2024 9:00 am

    Lover boy is the opposite of shitty it’s just realistic to the point ppl don’t like it cus it showed the uke and seme suffering in two different ways

    Anisa7 April 11, 2024 3:08 pm
    Lover boy is the opposite of shitty it’s just realistic to the point ppl don’t like it cus it showed the uke and seme suffering in two different ways Akki

    Well stories like that are not to my liking, great that you enjoyed tho

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's April 13, 2024 8:51 pm

    Honestly Yoo Jeaha was horrible, I couldnt read lover boy without wanting to puke every sentence. Glad I have never reached its ending.

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ April 13, 2024 11:32 pm
    Lover boy is the opposite of shitty it’s just realistic to the point ppl don’t like it cus it showed the uke and seme suffering in two different ways Akki

    Idk....I wouldn't say realistic.....
    Jaeha or whatever the bottoms name...just kept making shitty decisions one after the other.

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's April 14, 2024 12:31 am
    Idk....I wouldn't say realistic..... Jaeha or whatever the bottoms name...just kept making shitty decisions one after the other. ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    Exactly thank youu! He was an asshole, nothing realistic about it. There probably are people like this but it's definitely not the norm. And in a story it's just an annoyance and a bother, no story is interesting or makes you want to read when it's just stupid. All the "problems" are of his own doing and he could solve it all very quickly and easily, it was milked for no reason imo.

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ April 14, 2024 12:43 am
    Exactly thank youu! He was an asshole, nothing realistic about it. There probably are people like this but it's definitely not the norm. And in a story it's just an annoyance and a bother, no story is interesti... SingleLifeisToughInYour20's

    It's the fact I read this story YEARS ago but I still am traumatised by Jaeha's shit personality

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's April 14, 2024 12:51 am
    It's the fact I read this story YEARS ago but I still am traumatised by Jaeha's shit personality ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    Girl saame, like to this day I just swipe so quickly when I even notice that cover lmfao, im doing my best to forget haha, it was too much, IRL I would've left that bastard so fast he's dressed in red~

    Akki April 14, 2024 10:17 am
    Idk....I wouldn't say realistic..... Jaeha or whatever the bottoms name...just kept making shitty decisions one after the other. ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    Probably because I’m just like Jaeha. He’s just morally grey, and thinks about himself a bit too much. I think even tho that’s not the greatest characteristic, it’s very normal to be selfish. He’s an overthinker, a worrier, a selfish man. I think despite everything I quite liked his character

    Fujodanshi April 14, 2024 12:52 pm
    Lover boy is the opposite of shitty it’s just realistic to the point ppl don’t like it cus it showed the uke and seme suffering in two different ways Akki

    Which reminds us once again realism shouldn't be shitty. And people should be more reserved in a way.

    Anisa7 April 14, 2024 2:29 pm

    Found my people...most of us are reading manhwas to relax, feel excitement and some nice romance, that's why I can't understand how can someone enjoy stories like lover boy or the really toxic ones, realistic manhwas are great to read when it's written nicely with great characters not when the whole story is about a bitch that thinks is too cool for love

    Akki April 15, 2024 9:32 am
    Which reminds us once again realism shouldn't be shitty. And people should be more reserved in a way. Fujodanshi

    Realism is realism in different ways

    Akki April 15, 2024 9:36 am
    Found my people...most of us are reading manhwas to relax, feel excitement and some nice romance, that's why I can't understand how can someone enjoy stories like lover boy or the really toxic ones, realistic m... Anisa7

    I mean if you read lover boy like that - you didn’t understand jaeha’s character. But that’s alright! You obviously didn’t like him and chose not to. Sometimes toxic relationships are better for me to read because it explores certain emotions in the relationship dynamic, I also find cute romances a bit boring even in shounen ai. I just stay away from romanticised grape . But that’s how I relax and it’s a preference! You do you mate

    Sugakookie May 2, 2024 7:52 am
    Honestly Yoo Jeaha was horrible, I couldnt read lover boy without wanting to puke every sentence. Glad I have never reached its ending. SingleLifeisToughInYour20's

    Fr. He was absolutely insufferable. Easily in my list of top 10 yaoi bottoms I hate the most lol.