Hi, I honestly don’t know what to say to help console you and I’ve never been in your situation or dealt with pain like that, but I want to say and let you that are you are an Amazingly STRONG person! And I believe that you will overcome this situation. I don’t know if this helps but please know that what I’m writing is not empty words. You are a Strong person, and if you want to change your current situation I, no doubly, believe in YOU. It might be a cliche to say this, and I want you to know that there are better fishes in the sea. hopefully one day, you’ll meet someone who will make you fall in love again.
Anyway, you’re free to disregard my little outburst if you so choose to. And I’m sorry if words are a bit much.
Wishing you the best,
Your Friend (from mangago)
holy shit man, while it feels superficial to talk about this on an aggregate manga site, i feel a desire to say something in regards to this story.
so please ignore this if you’re not a kindhearted or understanding person, please….
if you ignore all the supernatural and somewhat more valid reasons, i would say i’m in a similar position as Martina. I am in a relationship with someone I have a hard time loving. my previous (and first) relationship was unhealthy, he used me for sex and told me during our relationship that he still loved his crush of 4 years. I loved that man to the ends of the earth and with every fiber of my being, but i was the one who had to break things off because i knew the relationship would give me nothing.
but i was ill prepared for the genuinely pain, anguish and heartbreak that followed. This was during highschool, I couldn’t pay attention in classes due to extreme headaches. on particularly bad days the muscles around my face cramped and caused immense pain, this was due to the sheer amount of crying i did.
hardly a few months go by and i can tell there’s a guy interested in me, i’m still very numb at this point. to shorten this part of it, he asked me out and i said yes primarily out of loneliness and the idea that no one would love me so getting someone to be interested in me would be impossible after this. he knew of my situation with my previous partner, so he was slightly insecure for the first few months.
id say it took about two months for me to say “i love you”
a detail that i don’t believe is important but he does, he’s on the chubby side, and he’s shorter than the average male. but those things don’t affect the way i feel about people.
fast forward to now, i don’t know why but my feelings of love are dwindling, whenever he says i love you and i respond in kind, it feels like a lie. I tried to break things off once but he talked me out of it. i’m too weak minded, i’m not cruel, seeing someone i care about crying and begging is going to affect me.
anyways, just wanted to say this because this story hit close to the heart. the desperation Terriod feels is crippling for both parties and it’s a horrible feeling.