Mangago! I beg u to add Romance tag so readers like me don't suffer

FujoBoSS April 6, 2024 5:07 am

Everything is beautiful..the cute animal, creatures n the MC's Mary Sue personality and cuteness, but!

One thing I hate is romance in such beautiful stories!!!!

The HECK! I'm glad I didn't read more or it would have been a massive betrayal for me.


    Nizze April 7, 2024 5:29 am

    Wait what? What betrayal? What romance? ISTG I've seen no romance in this? Like... there's 3 women... the guild leader who's interested in his talents and wanna recruit him but doesn't seem romantically interested... the other hunter that's been friends with him for a long time and have more of a fraternal than romantic feeling towards him, was she blond? Idr... and the black haired hunter... that already have a SO who's missing and she's looking for and MC is helping... so... did I miss something somewhere?
    He is an agreeable person... especially compared with the "edgy" mc's of modern dungeon genre... but I dont think it's enough to call him a Gary Stu (yep that's the male term for Mary Sue xD)... especially compared with other comics where female chars throw themselves as mc... xD

    CuddleQuill April 7, 2024 6:25 am
    Wait what? What betrayal? What romance? ISTG I've seen no romance in this? Like... there's 3 women... the guild leader who's interested in his talents and wanna recruit him but doesn't seem romantically interes... Nizze

    The blonde(?) hunter is actually his sister, if we’re talking about the same person. She’s totally crazy about books, just like our MC.

    But I agree with everything else!

    Shiro April 7, 2024 6:25 am

    Even in the novel, there's hardly any romance. MC is practically asexual. Like, to him, a girl and his pets as the same sort of "cute." There's plenty of one-sided feelings (one female character is annoyingly thirsty for MC, but he thankfully never reciprocates), but the closest the MC gets to having romantic feelings happens right at the end. And even then, it's more just him enjoying spending time with this female knight who shows up later.

    Nizze April 7, 2024 7:27 am
    The blonde(?) hunter is actually his sister, if we’re talking about the same person. She’s totally crazy about books, just like our MC. But I agree with everything else! CuddleQuill

    Un... I'm just not sure if like sister sister or sister like close female friend around but not same age... you know... that noona unnie hyung and oppa they use a lot... still, no romance between them anyway... xD

    FujoBoSS April 7, 2024 8:20 am
    Even in the novel, there's hardly any romance. MC is practically asexual. Like, to him, a girl and his pets as the same sort of "cute." There's plenty of one-sided feelings (one female character is annoyingly t... Shiro

    As I said I loved everything about this Manhwa but the thought of him developing romantic Feelings towards a female knight....sorry but if he stayed Ace throughout the at the very least it would have been one of my favourites that I'd risk my pocket to buy.

    DEMN! I honestly loved everything but I can't tolerate Him having a female love interest later. Why can't he just be Gary Stu and live his life with his sweet n cute animal friends..his friends are nice too....why romance the end? Why? That just betrays the whole thing about him being uninterested in love... U might think I'm overreacting but Being betrayed by a story is really disheartening than deliberately seeking that betrayal.

    That's why I asked to add Romance tag.. atleast I won't be betrayed.

    CuddleQuill April 7, 2024 1:34 pm
    Un... I'm just not sure if like sister sister or sister like close female friend around but not same age... you know... that noona unnie hyung and oppa they use a lot... still, no romance between them anyway...... Nizze

    I mean, they look pretty similar, they both wear glasses, and both have an extreme love of books. I’m almost 100% certain they’re biological siblings.

    Claude<3 April 8, 2024 6:42 pm
    As I said I loved everything about this Manhwa but the thought of him developing romantic Feelings towards a female knight....sorry but if he stayed Ace throughout the at the very least it would have been one o... FujoBoSS

    theres no romance at all though?? he just enjoys spending time with that female knight , no kiss no love no nothing, is it that hard for you to understand? and even if there was why are you so mad if he were to love someone ? its up to the author if they make their characters in love or not ,if you don't like the story go read others ,there is no romance tag because there is no romance to begin with ,only the characters in the background have romance , the MC is just aromantic at this point . He just wants peace and everyone to be happy and live long thats all. Don't tell that just because he is nice to women and is goid frineds with them you instantly dislike the story? If you do so cuz of this that means you are misoginistic.

    Claude<3 April 8, 2024 6:49 pm
    Even in the novel, there's hardly any romance. MC is practically asexual. Like, to him, a girl and his pets as the same sort of "cute." There's plenty of one-sided feelings (one female character is annoyingly t... Shiro

    asexual its the wrong term
    asexual is for ppl who dont enagne in s3xual acts or hate them or just uncimfy with that

    aromantic its the correct term since it means that a person eirher cant feel romantic feelings , fall in love romantically , or be with sumone in a romantic way (aromantic ppl can still date in a queer platonic way :3 )

    asexual ppl can aslo date and feel romantic feelings !

    i myself im aroace which means im both aromantic and asexual !

    so the MC might aromantic !