guarantee they saw the misleading tt video where they cut out skylar's confrontation of cirrus blocking chanil on skylar's phone which was the start of their convo, leading straight into "i'd rather date chanil" and skipping cirrus being a jackass. either that or they read the raw and came to the conclusion of "nooo he's hitting my uwu cirrus, skylar bad".
like i'm sorry but if you don't understand korean or are getting your shit from tt vids, please stfu lmao. even korean readers were saying cirrus was being too instigative (and dare i say, psycho) about this.
i wish people would just not come to bad conclusions all the time and blame only one individual when really, they are both being toxic. but that's okay bc that's literally the point of their relationship; to god damn heal each other whilst going through shit.

I agree 100% I saw the tt vid and I saw all the comments being like "Skylar hater, Cirrus forever" and I was like bro no way cause Skylar is also down bad he js doesn't show it. He cares abt Cirrus so wtf happened. I read the actual chapters like damn Cirrus honestly had it coming with what he did. He just immediately accused Skylar hell if my significant other said that to me you bet imma be like "yeah youre right fuck you" out of anger and pettiness. And the part where he beat Cirrus like that wasn't bc Cirrus said Skylar would rather date Chan li, it was bc bro started screaming out Skylars truama like an asshole. Don't get me wrong Skylar isn't a green flag either and also did his fair part of shit but his reaction to what Cirrus said is justified like he's still a teenager, he's immature, and he has his issues just like Cirrus. Like lets not put Cirrus on a pedestal bc Skylar "crossed the line" as if Cirrus hadn't also crossed it just as much.
with the misinformation lmaooo.
ain't no way y'all are fully blaming skylar when cirrus was the first one to mockingly state skylar still liked chanil and that he should go out with him instead of being with cirrus.
skylar gets angry to think cirrus would even think that of him, so he pettily agrees with it and says that yeah, he likes chanil. cirrus says chanil only does things and became friends with him bc he's nice but that's why skylar likes him, then he walks away. cirrus gets desperate and tells skylar to say he loves him back and only him, and skylar says to stop doing this bc he's tired of it; tired of him being like this, tired of him making skylar uncomfortable and pushing his boundaries.
and then what? cirrus brings up minwoo, skylar's one true fucking trauma. he didn't even get the chance to tell that part about himself to cirrus and suddenly cirrus gets a pass to blast that all onto skylar? fuck out of here lmao.
they're growing together, stop picking sides.