Yeah, the plot is eh it's mid but hey at least it isn't horrible. It is kind of... vague.....

ThotChocolate April 6, 2024 5:41 am

Yeah, the plot is eh it's mid but hey at least it isn't horrible. It is kind of... vague... I wish there was a bit more oomph, especially since the characters and art are gorgeous. I feel when the art is so top tier, if the plot isn't top tier with it people notice it more. If the art was even a smidge plainer, then everyone'd be raving about it more. Also, I'm not dissing this I'm enjoying it but it IS kind of eh

    Morohtar April 5, 2024 10:52 pm

    This story DOES have a mature tag, so that should have been a warning.

    ThotChocolate April 6, 2024 5:41 am
    This story DOES have a mature tag, so that should have been a warning. Morohtar

    What does the mature tag have anything to do with plot LOL

    Morohtar April 6, 2024 5:26 pm

    Again, because my comment got deleted: These stories are not telenovela-types, they are more realistic and hence will look boring to anyone that is looking for drama, random/right-off-the-bat action and anything you find in regular comics targetted at teens.

    The story barely started, all we have is the character personality introductions and the premise for the MC being here.
    Not EVERY story will start like an action movie or lonely housewife romance flick.

    Morohtar April 6, 2024 5:31 pm
    What does the mature tag have anything to do with plot LOL ThotChocolate

    Tags have meanings and hence influence what a story can be about or what it will be like.

    Matrue and Adult as tag should be simple to suggest it is for an adult audience, not teens or kids.
    They do not only refer to sexual content or violence being used. More often than not they refer to the level of writing, how realistic it is and what the pacing can likely be like.

    ThotChocolate April 6, 2024 7:59 pm
    Tags have meanings and hence influence what a story can be about or what it will be like.Matrue and Adult as tag should be simple to suggest it is for an adult audience, not teens or kids.They do not only refer... Morohtar

    Right, but there are a ton of other comics with the mature tag that are both realistic and not boring. Not only do they not have no sexual violence, but they also are not violent. Plus... I'm an adult? Probably more of one than you. I don't think you realize because you're stuck in your anger, but below my comment were a ton of people saying it was boring. Not only was I partially addressing that, but I as also saying it's a decent story although blasé. That not only am I enjoying it, but it IS middle of the road and not outstanding besides the art. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing, just forgettable.

    Morohtar April 7, 2024 8:50 pm
    Right, but there are a ton of other comics with the mature tag that are both realistic and not boring. Not only do they not have no sexual violence, but they also are not violent. Plus... I'm an adult? Probably... ThotChocolate

    Really, you wanna go and get prissy by calling yourself more mature than me? And all that because you find a story of 2 chapters in which stuff only just got introduced 'boring' and I reminded you at it all being to early to judge? You do you, kiddo. And YOU call ME the angry one? Nice try. XD
    What anger btw? You're behaving like you can read my mood in a text. Just because I disagree with you and don't just walk away does NOT mean I am angry. You should learn to confirm your suspicions before talking like they are hard facts.

    Again: The story has not even STARTED yet. We have only seen the introduction so far. So it's way too early to judge.

    Just like not all school life genre tagged stories are about rivals duking it out on the sports field and being silly in the classroom, not every mature/adult tagged comic will be the same. The tag itself IS working as a warning tho, because it IS hinting at the options. That's all I was talking about.