Well I'm also too old for this type of manga, but there are people no matter what age, who are not normal, I put myself as an example. I'm in a relationship for 9 years with my BF but I'm not that affectionate at all, I give him money and stuff, that's just how I show "love" cause that's how my asian parents showed me "love". I have abusive parents growing up, they physically abuse me up until college and hired a stalker to monitor me, because of that I don't know what's normal or not, and I think incest, stalking, and abusing someone is normal (tho i enjoy watching or observing people who commit such acts, I don't commit it myself), and that's why reading mangas like this will at least help me understand what it is to love or what it is like to be normal. I'm with my BF in the pretense of "loving " him, I enjoy his company, he knows I'm like this and accepted me for who I am. But in the end, deep inside, I don't understand human emotions at all.

I haven't read this, only watched 1 ep of the anime.
This story sounds like people who think they're unlovable falling in love w eachother. Regardless of their age I've seen a lot of stories with a plot like this and you kinda just seem a bit ignorant abt their mind process
The guy wants a soulmate, yet because he's attractive everyone approaches him but they leave just as fast bc he isn't what they expected. So he's a people pleaser. He wants to be loved so badly that he changes and adapt himself to fit their partner's taste just so they can stay with him
Now the girl, it's not only she's never been in loved even tho she's young. Most people know what it's like to like someone or want to have a partner, it's something that you see around you all the time; yet she doesnt understand that, she doesn't comprehend what romantic love is at all
tbh I think if this story wasnt abt high-schoolers you wouldnt disregard it so hars

i can understand this not being your cup of tea but if you do decide to give the manga a chance i promise its not that shallow. its cringe at times and irritating at times but what is a teenager if not cringe and irritating. i think the growth was really well written and a lot more nuanced than i originally thought going into it
maybe I'm too old for this kinda manga (I only watched episode 1 of the anime) but everything bugged me for some reason. A girl 15yo says she doesn't understand love or that she's not normal for not falling in love at some point like gurl ur 15, say that when ur 30 or something. Or the guy falling for a girl just because of an umbrella. Would he have fallen in love with every girl that held out her umbrella at that time. I bet many girls would have done that cause he looked good. Everything is so childish for me, but yeah mybe cause I'm too "old" for a coming of age manga with love at first sight over trivial things and a girl falling for him just cause he does some nice things for her