I definitely saw an old movie similar to this where an intersex person lived in a war-stri...

StoneCold April 5, 2024 3:26 am

I definitely saw an old movie similar to this where an intersex person lived in a war-stricken place. Men were required to enlist to military and he was forced to be conscripted since he's using a male gender by default. During health check, however, he was discovered to have both genitals. He was put into sleep without his knowledge and when he woke up, his male genitals was missing and has become a woman. She was assigned to work as a maid (I'm not sure anymore). Then she met a young man and fell in love with him. They had a one night stand and she got pregnant. But her baby was taken after birth. In her fury, she started her path to revenge while searching for her child. Then she met an old man one day carrying a time machine. She desperately used it and traveled back in time where she was still a man. Then he met his woman version, slept with her and continued his search. The old man with time machine was the one who kidnapped the baby, brought it back to the year where he was "supposed" to have been born. So technically, he slept with herself, got pregnant with himself. And finally, the old man he met was his future self whose been disrupting the timeline and killing the version of himself whose gone mad with revenge. Idk know the title anymore but it was a Hollywood film. Lol

    ... April 5, 2024 7:18 am

    Bro wtf

    Sam April 5, 2024 9:03 am


    Cawaiii♡ April 6, 2024 9:58 am

    Wow tell me if you find the name

    Xiao April 8, 2024 12:16 am

    How many twists does this movie got lmaoo

    Hopeless_shipper April 8, 2024 12:54 am

    One of us is remembering this movie wrong. Wasn't she originally a woman?

    SayerSong April 8, 2024 1:09 am
    Predestination Sam

    That movie is a total mindfuck. It makes Fry's conception in Futurama (him being his own grandfather) look almost blasé by comparison.

    Friendly Alien Neighbour April 11, 2024 2:25 pm

    Wow.. what's the title of this Hollywood movie? Because the Main Character, the Male Lead and the Villain is basically one person.. this movie is a narcissist wet dream