I don't know if it's the full volume but I read the raws uploaded from here https://m.facebook.com/albums/367899182290863/

Nope you can check the last page here https://m.facebook.com/albums/367899182290863/

Check for yourself lmfao https://m.facebook.com/albums/367899182290863/

It's not removed you need to log in to access in this post click on naisho stalker https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100072123534440&story_fbid=367901162290665
i just finished reading the whole manga and it is not a happy ending . when the office worker dude shows his face to the mc and reveals is the stalker proceeds to explain to him how he fell in love with him and stuff im not that great at japanese but yeah the male lead actually left the mc at the end and mc said "hontoni futarini sukuwarete tanda" which not sure what it means but prob i really wanted to save each other smt like this or i really wanted to save you but ye pretty disapointing