I swear to god, kids reading this, don’t get influenced by this character trope ok. She is a clear pick me in a sense. Don’t ever lower your standards or your morals to make someone else happy. Grow with confidence and be the best version of yourself. You r precious and deserve everything the world can offer.
She said that because this is NOT the norm for anyone to say. Male OR female alike. Especially in fictional stories.
Even if you consider it the 'bare minimum', people usually do not voice this or be so sweet in their teenage years. That's simply fact and likely the reason why it is indeed an endearing moment.
So showing such a content in this era also repeatedly showcasing it ain’t gonna change their mindsets. I hope u get where I’m coming from… like we don’t need to be shown what’s below the bar! We need to see effort, which is absent here from both parties m. The fl cooks for him, she does put in an effort. What does he do? Not sleep with her…. I hope u got what I was tryna convey
I fail to see why people keep thinking that this is trying to 'show any levels' of whatever behavior. Is it REALLY that hard for you lot to let someone identify an action/intention and simply voice it as something they find nice? XD
None of this is supposed to set any standards or praise anything or whatever, this is simply someone acknowledging something they find nice.
Not every story, ESPECIALLY in shoujo genre, will be new, unique and special in portraying human interaction. This story is about ditzy school girls and their first love, not some elaborate social interaction love story that tries to be all deep.
You gotta chill. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Again, because this is a VERY important lesson to remember: Not everything is about setting bars. People simply like acknowledging nice moments, be it in stories of fiction or irl.
If you remember this the next time you read a ditzy shoujo story, I can assure you you will have a MUCH better time reading it.
What I’m trying to tell is that, him not touching her is not supposed to be considered nice . You got rights to ur own body, heck it should be natural and not be pointed out as a right. This storyline plot of “owning someone” or “him controlling himself” is so common now that men thinks they got the rights to do anything to a women, and so is the pregnancy issue going on in the states. Most people find those romantic too coz it’s seen everywhere and is also made to look so. So overall is that a good thing? Is it something that adds into your character as a whole? It’s not about taking it with the value of a grain, it’s been so common that it’s scary. And romance is supposed to set bars like that’s what the whole purpose of the story is! How to treat a person well, how to care for em! How to make em feel special. Most stories start from underground, “not touching em”, “ not using violence on their partner”, “ not assaulting or embarrassing them” and it comes to the normal level then, can’t say they treat em as preciously too. This is an age old debate. If u look at the story u can see to how all she does is cater to his needs, haven’t seen the boy put any or atleast a lil effort. Idk y the authors do this, I hope their self esteem and confidence improves better, coz they write stories about people tryna please the other and have no substance or character than being their partners servant/ babysitter/ sleep buddy.
It wasn't about him not touching her being a nice thing tho. XD This is about a girl acknowledging a guy saying something people usually do not say out loud and her appreciating it. The thing in question being the bare minimum or something extraordinary does not matter in this.
None of these stories are teaching MEN anything btw. Men don't read this fluffy, schoolgirl bullshit. X'D This is a trope created BY women, FOR girls. And most people enjoy it for what it is: a ditzy, cutesy first romance of two teenagers.
Romance in terms of fiction is also NEVER meant to set bars, it's there to satisfy fantasies, curiousities, interests and more. Fiction is NOT something that dictates irl standards. That's a ridiculous idea and I have no idea where you might have gotten this from, but please discard this VERY quickly. That's the furthest from the truth I have ever heard about what fictional pieces are. XD
>>>>>>>>>Applying the idea of fiction having the fucntion of 'setting bars' for real life is about as good an idea as going into a horror movie in which the killer got away and then calling the cops when you get out of the cinema.
Again, this story is written FOR LITTLE GIRLS that have no or little romance experience. And, whether you like it or not, this is what they love to read. And there ARE people existing irl that behave like the MC. None of her behavior is 'catering' to the love interest. She likes spending time with him, that is all. I fail to see what exactly you find 'catering to him' tbh. Many people like being with the person they like, WITHOUT the other doing anything for them.
It's a little worrisome how you try to read so much into HIS behavior, yet ignore to overanalyze HER's.
None of this writing is supposed to be deep, intricate in terms of human interactions or behavior. It's just two teenagers being in love for the first time and figuring things out. And impatience when getting frisky is one of THE major first things they will encounter. That's simply how it is. And that is what the story portrays. Nothing more, nothing less.
You are simply trying to read too much into it, that's all. If you read shoujo without the nonsensical idea of trying to find real life standards and sense, it'll be much more enjoyable for you, i can assure you.
I started my comment with him not touching her as the sole point. And as u said lil girls read this. So when them with their impressionable minds read it, a story that got not standard level for a male character behaviour and very lenient and giving fl, I’m pretty sure u and I both know what they gonna think. They gotta sacrifice themself for others and stuff.
And so u saying, people who consume pedophilia fiction aren’t like that irl? What about those who are obsessed with murder and violence fictions? All these typa peoples minds are absorbed in those materials which makes them an aggressive person as a whole. So fiction affects your behaviour whether u like it or not.
And u said about over-analysing was it? I literally just pointed out what was shown in the comic I didn’t even try to come with a thought of how it happened or anything . She cooks for him, goes along with his whining, doesn’t burden him with her emotions. He whines, clings, overestimates her limits basically a manchild.
My comment was supposed to be taken in a positive light too And u can’t tell me how I take in the story, it’s meaning for me. The other people in the comment gets it. But here u r telling me to read it your way. The story explains a lot about the author’s personality and what they want to see in others. A story has its own impressions and uniqueness. I read it with respect for the creator and for the story itself for creating different impressions on others. So reading something just for fun isn’t gonna cut it, isn’t it. I read it seriously and look at the possibilities for improvement or what would be better for the growth of the character, it gives me insight in my life experiences too.
Not every little girl is like you and thinks a comic or movie gives any reallife advice of any sort. Even kids can differentiate between cartoons and real life, especially those buying a manga for more than 5 bucks. Kids are WAY past the age of delusion in general at that point. XD
What the fuck are you bringing pedos into this now?? Stop trying to bring strawman arguements to make a point. It is NOT helping your case.
people who read messed up stuff have that inclination BEFORE reading said messed up stuff btw. You're bringing hte same arguement as boomers saying video games create school shooters.
Fiction only affects you if you're mentally not right, and that is a YOU-problem, not a fiction-problem.
You honestly worry me. You should probably not be reading fiction if your mind is that twisted in terms of common sense and whatnot.
No, you did NOT 'just point out' anything, you applied your own assumptions and delusions to a simple piece of ditzy school romance fiction.
If you are incapable of understanding literally anything the author put into the comic to portray his side of the story too, then you should probably not read stuff like this. You ignore half of it and apply your own nonsense to the rest. I think reading mangas is a bid above your level...which is also concerning, since this is a dizty schoolgirl romance. They are NOT hard to understand, unless you are deliberate on doing so.
There is a difference between having your own take on things and simply NOT getting it, applying your delusional thinking to it and misinterpreting things and ignore many factors.
You can talk all you want about it being otherwise, but that does not make it reality.
I never told you to "read it my way", I simply explained things you just did not understand.
"So reading something just for fun isn’t gonna cut it, isn’t it.", then you REALLY should stop reading the most simplest of romance stories in the shoujo/shounen genre. These stories are PRECISELY to be read as fun fictional pieces, not goddamn life advice. WTF. XD
And btw, this sentence (and others) is you admitting (probably without being aware based on how you are talking) that you infact ARE looking to read more into things than there really is. XD And that combo'd with your nonsensical idea of thinking fiction sets bars for real life is a very worrisome combinaion tbh.
Listen, because I really think you need this advice: Please stop trying to read too much into teenager-content and DO NOT try to take life lessons from them, that's NOT gonna help you at all irl. I am VERY serious here.
Girl, u came under my comment tryna lecture me on what to do. And u made all that assumptions about me without knowing anything about me. There’s many people whining in the comments and u gotta attack me here.
I can read whatever I want, however I want and be it teen story or anything. I grew up reading that, I regret being exposed to stories where “pick me” is the norm. And I expressed my displeasure on the same troupe being written again.
U say that people who watch violence podcasts already have that inclination, but ur wrong in that sense. Coz there r more people who watch/Read/listen to it for being aware. And u generalising it to your “boomers” affair is literally unnecessary. People r different in general. And a kid reading a harmless story like this without any impression on what is advantageous for them and not will take it this way “oh, so they get happy when I do this, even if it’s in the expense of myself, but that is what is expected of me so I’ll have to do it”. THIS TROPE IN STORY IS COMMON, I hope u get what I keep saying. BECAUSE ITS MADE COMMON ITS BECOME THE NORM!
Let me give u a piece of advice, kids learn through observing, it’s as easy as that. And most kids don’t get the education required for dating from adults. So they go for it elsewhere, their friends the internet and whatnot.
And am I deluding myself that story doesn’t have a scene where she brings him cooked lunch? he doesn’t cling to her? He expresses his feelings and talks his emotions? She doesn’t though? Haven’t u read the story? And which part of these “scenes in the story” are my delusions?
And the only thing that I expressed here is the way this trope of “giving “ all you have for love is overused and now people right now are more aware of their qualities have more sense than to just be a giver or taker in a relationship.
I have gone past the age of taking any lesson be it fiction or whatnot. My comment at the beginning was totally meant for growing kids to be more aware and not take any meaning in the story. You don’t agree with my comment. Just go and comment under someone who u agree with and shares your logic.
I’m telling you again. I’m haven’t read too much at all! Like where is it? I told about how she behave, her self esteem, and his too. It’s literally in the pages in the story without having to read into it. You r deluding yourself thinking I’m telling something between the lines. Also I’ve been anything but polite to you, without talking about you or insulting you. Maybe learn how to communicate with strangers online. You know the text etiquette.
I get that we have different viewpoints. So instead of attacking people for theirs u should just do u.Like ik u think ur right and ik I'm right, it’s called morals. It’s different for different people. Here for me they r young they dont know how things work, that’s true and ok. But now with Better knowledge and media literacy, there’s people everywhere to inform u what’s right and wrong. And it’s natural to own ur own body. It’s regressive to keep using stories of plot with the mc having little to no self esteem. And they magically grows one due to jealousy, being the main troupe.
You can read it as your cliche teen story and I pointed out to the younger readers to not take it to heart. Just leave it at that.
I was never lecturing you, I corrected you. BIG difference. Because if you shout something on a public page and people see something amiss, they will and CAN comment on it. If you do not want other's opinions, then either don't post or keep your posts so basic that people just upvote it.
You have such twisted views on things that people who simple see it for what it is WILL comment on it.
Again: Not everyone is a dumb little child. People can differentiate between fiction and reality, whether you like it or not.
This all was about YOU reading too much into a ditzy highschool romance moment of someone acknowledging something they found nice in the moment. THIS IS REALITY. THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
You only see what you want to see, be that in the comic or in this conversation, all while applying your own delusions, thoughts as facts and pretending there is a literal r/im14andthisisdeep thread attached to something utterly simple.
I realize that you simply don't understand this stuff, but you should honestly not try and act like you know better. Again, this is a ditzy school romance. They are NOT and never will be deep, 'setting bars for real life' or be taken seriously by anyone except a fool. Which, as you seem to be unaware, teenage girls are not anymore when they come to the age of reading these mangas.
>>>>>>>>>> Suggesting that adult artists from another country, in which only teens buy these books, should cater to a parent's incompetence of educating their children about dating is absolutely stupid. Equally as much as saying fiction sets bars for real life.
I have absolutely NO idea where you got these ridiculous ideas from. You seriously need help if you think this is normal, a good idea in general or simply just acceptable as an excuse for what you said before.
You seriously worry me on multiple levels. It's as if you are a pre-teen with no basic knowledge of anything.
I would also suggest you stop treating your assumptions as facts, that does NOT help you in this discussion or real life in general. Stop putting words into people's mouths, twisting around what they said and bringing up nonsense that was never part of the conversation just to try and sidetrack so you do not have to face the core of the conversation. Which was/is, as I keep needing to remind you: You are overanalyzing, misinterpreting and trying to find meaning in something that is literally just a shallow moment.
Additionally, you should probably stop reading and trying to analyze/critique a story when you literally ignore ALL of what the author has put into the comic to portray the male character's emotions, thoughts and actions.
Also, why are you bringing insults into this now? Just because you didn't write any insults (which I do not believe I did either btw, so??) does not mean people will always keep being nice to you when you act absolutely delusional, miss the point of what is said (because, newsflash, that is VERY obnoxious tbh) or simply keep ignoring what was said without actually engaging it but instead keep on playing your same old song.
Did you honestly write this because I criticized you and told you you're wrong?? Because that is legit the only thing that could have sparked this nonsense sentence from you. X'D
How about YOU learn how to communicate with strangers instead? Because you seem to need it much more than me, given how you 'argue' your points and retaliate against stuff you do not want to hear.
PS: Comments sections are NOT Twitter echo chambers. You WILL encounter people who disagree with you or criticize what you said. If you cannot handle engaging in a debate/discussion, that is a you-problem. People will not put on satin gloves for you just because you don't like people who do not agree with you.
Dude r u even aware of what u r saying? Like u keep calling me delusional and whatnot, I just said how what she said is something that’s not healthy. I don’t think that’s wrong, and it’s true that it’s not something nice.
You writing all these just for me telling other kids to not find this romantic? I think it’s obvious who is reading into who more from your comment. There’s so many comments here agreeing with me that what she thought and how it escalated was wrong. And it’s basic manners to treat others the same way they treat u.
God the way u finding non existent things and deluding yourself into thinking you know all about me, which is completing wrong.
Damn like u need help. Like serious help. Pushing your thoughts on me, which literally is shown nowhere. You must be a terrible person irl, not listening to what the other person says.
Besides what I tried to say wasn’t that deep. You took it to your heart and made it a big deal and it moved to being about how I need help(it’s you who is reading into things).
I hope u get the help u need. You should read this thread once more. Maybe then u will understand who is reading into things.
Hope u have a nice day.
Gurll, wtf is wrong with you???? Are you like okay???? Please do get help because it clearly shows that you aren't okay. All she did was tell her opinion or express what she/ he feels in the comments n you just came out of nowhere to argue for no reason. Do you feel good being rude to others?? Do you feel like your on top of the world after being rude n arguing with people?? I bet you are one of those keyboard warriors who doesn't do shit irl. Ugghh
So you seriously think calling you delusional is an insult when you literally think these two things are reality:
- teenager fictional romance pieces are life advice and 'set bars for real relationships
- teenagers are all stupid enough to go to fictional stories to figure out how relationships work
- authors should not draw anything but realism, because people who are stupid might take it as life advice
Thinking those three things are real, good, healthy, normal or otherwise okay IS making you factually delusional. Just because you do not like the word, does not make it an insult if it's the truth.
"God the way u finding non existent things and deluding yourself into thinking you know all about me, which is completing wrong." and some stuff that you wrote afterwards as well. Nice going shooting yourself in the foot there. ^^
Do you not see the irony in this sentence after everything you wrote before? Do you actually read what you write?? X'D
Kiddo, you LITERALLY made an innocent statement of a character into an r/im14andthisisdeep post. I did not read anything into the story, that was purely YOU. How exactly are you so unaware of this?
You keep avoiding the point and engage ZERO with the main topic of what I was talking about (which is the very first sentence of this post, in case that really did not settle yet), trying to deflect and talk around it or deny what you yourself wrote entirely. So I'll leave the reply at this so you cannot get sidetracked yet again. Tho I'm sure you'll try.
And how exactly do you define me 'not being okay'? I am curious. How would you even know based on a few texts? XD
I did not come to 'argue for no reason', if something is shouted into a public forum, people WILL come along to interact. If you kids honestly do not know how opinion-based posts work, then that is a you-problem.
If you kids cannot handle non-echo chamber conversations or duiscussions, that's really not my problem. XD
I was never rude either, I simply pointed out errors in ways of thinking and everybody with a shred of normalcy would eventually not bother mincing words if the other does not engage but deflect instead. Calling someone delusional delusional is not 'being rude', it's simply not mincing words.
What does this have to do with 'keyboard warrior who doesnt do anything irl' btw? Do you honestly think critiquing a fictional ditzy character is some sort of activism that does something for the world?
You're both worrisome individuals tbh.
You are so self centred. You come under my post and avoid my topic and read into it. Sir wits an innocent story. So what? U took it your way. I took it mine. U read so much into not just my comment but even delusional picks on me. You’re a kid who doesn’t even listen to what the other is saying.
You keep deflecting what I say. U simply want to state u r right. But I’m not wrong though! U r the type of person who assumes people in ur standard and it’s a horrible trait to have. You should better introspect. I kept trying to be professional and keep the comment to the post, but u being the kid here took it way past the story to me, to my outlook, to my mentality and behaviour.
And dude u should read my second comment in this post. Maybe then u will understand what I meant. Not your made up hypothesis on my take. Pls get help and not attack others for their opinion. You ain’t gaining anything here. Your bio says u a chill person, but u r so far from it. Talk about being conceited.
There’s not other way to communicate with u than to ask u to read back on this thread. If u read the first two comments then u would have understood the point of this. But u r here to argue so it’s pointless to say.
There was this one panel in chapter 11, while the fl was bathing, where, I quote, she said this, “ how he went out of his way to say that to me” what he said is not doing it if she ain’t ready. OH my lordddd!!! That’s like the bare minimum y r u calling him great just coz he didn’t touch ur body. The structure of this type of romance should change, like y r the fl always made with such low esteem and always giving away all of themselves to accommodate men. Like u r ur own person and is imp over anyone for yourself.